Actually i know people using Go-models to study protein folding for proteins as 
large as 300 aa. Now, in these cases you need to use biasing potentials and not 
temperature exchages (maybe both?). In principle, the REMD will help you with 
the comformational exchange but it also includes a new level of complexity 
since the temperature distribution for the correct exchange ratios is pretty 
much an empiric issue. In principle, there is no problem to run these 
simulations independently and then combining them by WHAM taking the 
temperature as the only bias. Just consider the parallel tempering as a 
sampling enhancer the same way as it is used also with hamiltonian hopping.


If you go for the umbrella sampling way you can use the PLUMED plugin for 
colective variables. There you can apply a bias directly to the number of 
contacts of the structure (a contact map bias) or maybe to the gyration radius. 
In principle, once you unbias your histograms you can calculate the free energy 
profile of any colective variable using a "multidimensional histogram" trick. 
In the end, what you need to now is how much energy you are adding to sample 
that state. 


Once you have the free energy profile at the folding temperature (this also 
needs some trial and error) you should be able to measure the height of the 
energetic barrier between states which is in principle what determines that 
transition rates. 


As mark said, there are tons of papers of this as "Go-models" ar practically 
the only way people had to explore the protein folding thermodynamics in the 




----Mensaje original----De: 03-ene-2012 
22:52Para: "Discussion list for GROMACS users"<>Asunto: 
Re: [gmx-users] Re: Folding rateOn 4/01/2012 12:35 PM, bharat gupta wrote:> 
Thanks for all your replies. I want to know this can be done in > gromacs or 
not - using REMD with structure based models generated from > SMOG server to 
study protein folding and unfolding ??.Well, it can be done, but you probably 
don't have enough computer to fold a 230 residue protein at atomistic 
resolution (or maybe even coarse-grained).> Also, I have a question about how 
to determine  the exchange > probablities for a particular REMD experiment and 
also how many > replicas do we need to consider, does that depend on the 
temperature > list generated from the T_REMD server??There's a significant 
literature on these subjects. I suggest you read some of it. Short answer: pick 
the highest temperature according to the size of the largest barrier you expect 
to cross (good luck guessing that), have around 20% exchange acceptance, and be 
prepared to observe where the replica-flow bottle necks are and to iteratively 
refine you temperatures.Mark-- gmx-users mailing list    
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