Here's the coordinate of the phosphate ion from the docked complex :-
ATOM   2209  N   GLY A 228      -4.491  73.252   3.100  1.00 31.50
 -0.336 N
ATOM   2210  HN  GLY A 228      -4.765  72.618   3.850  1.00  0.00
0.164 HD
ATOM   2211  CA  GLY A 228      -4.817  74.668   3.205  1.00 34.50
0.189 C
ATOM   2212  C   GLY A 228      -6.283  75.040   3.026  1.00 36.60
0.253 C
ATOM   2213  O   GLY A 228      -6.638  76.216   3.151  1.00 36.80
 -0.270 OA
ATOM   2214  N   ILE A 229      -7.109  74.064   2.647  1.00 38.60
 -0.337 N
ATOM   2215  HN  ILE A 229      -6.718  73.136   2.484  1.00  0.00
0.164 HD
ATOM   2216  CA  ILE A 229      -8.556  74.256   2.452  1.00 41.10
0.159 C
ATOM   2217  C   ILE A 229      -9.275  73.368   3.447  1.00 43.10
0.251 C
ATOM   2218  O   ILE A 229      -8.856  72.229   3.655  1.00 43.60
 -0.271 OA
ATOM   2219  CB  ILE A 229      -9.003  73.826   1.031  1.00 40.40
0.029 C
ATOM   2220  CG1 ILE A 229      -8.528  74.844   0.013  1.00 40.50
0.002 C
ATOM   2221  CG2 ILE A 229     -10.512  73.689   0.942  1.00 39.90
0.002 C
ATOM   2222  CD1 ILE A 229      -8.610  74.327  -1.389  1.00 41.40
0.000 C
ATOM   2223  N   THR A 230     -10.312  73.894   4.098  1.00 45.60
 -0.337 N
ATOM   2224  HN  THR A 230     -10.544  74.877   3.957  1.00  0.00
0.164 HD
ATOM   2225  CA  THR A 230     -11.129  73.085   5.017  1.00 47.90
0.172 C
ATOM   2226  C   THR A 230     -12.555  72.789   4.490  1.00 49.10
0.232 C
ATOM   2227  O   THR A 230     -12.945  71.602   4.523  1.00 50.90
 -0.286 OA
ATOM   2228  CB  THR A 230     -11.179  73.714   6.460  1.00 48.20
0.139 C
ATOM   2229  OG1 THR A 230     -11.348  75.136   6.384  1.00 48.60
 -0.383 OA
ATOM   2230  HG1 THR A 230     -12.152  75.322   5.914  1.00  0.00
0.210 HD
ATOM   2231  CG2 THR A 230      -9.880  73.414   7.220  1.00 49.10
0.034 C
TER    2232      THR A 230
HETATM    1  P   PO4 A 322      28.148  82.525   1.696  1.00  2.95
0.437 P
HETATM    2  O1  PO4 A 322      27.246  83.314   2.595  1.00  5.93
 -0.609 OA
HETATM    3  O2  PO4 A 322      27.419  81.238   1.254  1.00  4.49
 -0.609 OA
HETATM    4  O3  PO4 A 322      28.535  83.301   0.471  1.00  2.00
 -0.609 OA
HETATM    5  O4  PO4 A 322      29.451  82.186   2.489  1.00  4.00
 -0.609 OA

Here's the coordinates of the processed file after adding ligand
coordinates :-

 230THR      N 3601  -1.031   7.389   0.410
  230THR     HN 3602  -1.054   7.486   0.396
  230THR     CA 3603  -1.113   7.308   0.502
  230THR     HA 3604  -1.063   7.222   0.502
  230THR     CB 3605  -1.118   7.371   0.646
  230THR     HB 3606  -1.197   7.338   0.697
  230THR    OG1 3607  -1.135   7.514   0.638
  230THR    HG1 3608  -1.138   7.552   0.731
  230THR    CG2 3609  -0.988   7.341   0.722
  230THR   HG21 3610  -0.993   7.382   0.813
  230THR   HG22 3611  -0.976   7.242   0.730
  230THR   HG23 3612  -0.910   7.380   0.672
  230THR      C 3613  -1.255   7.279   0.449
  230THR    OT1 3614  -1.294   7.160   0.452
  230THR    OT2 3615  -1.337   7.205   0.529
    1LIG   P       1  28.261  82.425   1.961
    1LIG  O1       2  27.805  80.999   1.894
    1LIG  O2       3  28.523  82.938   0.528
    1LIG  O3       4  27.235  83.311   2.606
    1LIG  O4       5  29.563  82.481   2.823
   5.23907   4.16174   3.66560

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Justin A. Lemkul <> wrote:

> bharat gupta wrote:
>> I checked the docked structure and the structure obtained after adding
>> the ligand coordinates to the processed file obtained after using pdb2gmx
>> command. It's very surprising that in the docked structure ligand is at the
>> correct place but the processed gromacs file the ligand lies far apart from
>> the protein. Any clue what could be the reason for this ??
> If the docked structure is correct, and the one you reassembled is
> incorrect, you made some mistake in putting it back together.  It's
> impossible to say what went wrong based on the (lack of) information given.
> -Justin
> --
> ==============================**==========
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**<>
> ==============================**==========
> --
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