Thank you Tsjerk,

I am now trying with amber99.ff but have encountered the following problem:

My PCA is at the N-terminus. I have an entry for [ NPCA ] in aminoacids.rtp and have updated aminoacids.r2b to include NPCA and I've even added an entry in aminoacids.hdb for NPCA. Yet when I generate my itp/gro files using pdb2gmx, the NPCA is recognises (all atoms are there) but the second residue [ GLY ] is now changed to [ NGLY ] in the itp file despite still being the second residue in the gro file. As a test, if I remove NGLY from aminoacids.r2b it complains that 'there is no residue type for 'GLY' as a starting terminus' thus ignoring that the first residue of my chain is in fact NPCA.

What could be going on here? The -ter flag has no effect here as I noticed that for all amber99XX.ff the aminoacids.n.tdb files are empty.



On 22 Nov 2011, at 18:17, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:

Hi Henry,

That would be a bit of a wild west approach. A better approximation
would be taking the charges from the backbone amide group, as it is
just an amide with on either side aliphatic carbons. Doing it properly
is a bit more involved, as for the G53a6 FF you need to choose
parameters giving the right free enthalpy of solvation.



On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Henry Hocking <> wrote:
Dear all,
Where can I find gromos53a6.ff parameters for pyroglutamate (PCA/ PGLU/ PGA)
Alternatively, given that I have them in amber99.ff and oplsaa.ff is there a
way I could adapt these to gromos53a6.ff?
Can I use, for example, the gromos53a6.ff atom types from glutamine,
add/remove appropriate bonds / angles / impropers and then take the
corresponding charge values from my amber99.ff/aminoacid.rtp file. I assume that what I've just suggested is the cowboy method and that in reality it is
not that straightforward, right?
Kind regards,
Henry Hocking, PhD
Utrecht University
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2532875
Fax: +31-30-253 7623

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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

post-doctoral researcher
Molecular Dynamics Group
* Groningen Institute for Biomolecular Research and Biotechnology
* Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
The Netherlands
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Henry Hocking, PhD

Utrecht University
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
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3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands

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