Dear all, I'm doing an "slow-growth" alchemical free energy perturbation calculation of the formation of a disulfide bridge between two Cysteines with Gromacs.
I've had tried different ways to combine the topology of both state A and state B, and finally settled with the most direct way -- to "mutate" the atoms that have different partial charges in the two states, and transform the two hydrogen atoms into "dummy" atoms. As suggested by Gromacs manual and some messages from the internet, I put explicitly the OPLS parameters for the bonds, pairs, angles and dihedrals changed from state A to state B, and the grompp didn't give a warning. But when I was testing the production simulation on two processors, there was a warning of fatal error in the log file: ========================================================================================= Initializing Domain Decomposition on 2 nodes Dynamic load balancing: auto Will sort the charge groups at every domain (re)decomposition Initial maximum inter charge-group distances: two-body bonded interactions: 3.774 nm, LJC Pairs NB, atoms 12 205 multi-body bonded interactions: 0.640 nm, Ryckaert-Bell., atoms 1013 417 Minimum cell size due to bonded interactions: 4.151 nm Using 0 separate PME nodes Scaling the initial minimum size with 1/0.8 (option -dds) = 1.25 Optimizing the DD grid for 2 cells with a minimum initial size of 5.189 nm The maximum allowed number of cells is: X 0 Y 0 Z 0 ------------------------------------------------------- Program mdrun, VERSION 4.5.4 Source code file: domdec.c, line: 6436 Fatal error: There is no domain decomposition for 2 nodes that is compatible with the given box and a minimum cell size of 5.18876 nm Change the number of nodes or mdrun option -rdd or -dds Look in the log file for details on the domain decomposition For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS website at ============================================================================================= The atoms indexed 12 and 205 are a CD1 in Leu1 and another CB in Ala12 respectively. I checked the topology and found no entries containing both these atoms. What's weird is that there's no way for these two atoms to have bonded interactions, but it says in the log that they have a two-body bonded interaction with a distance of 3.774 nm, which I cannot understand. Does anyone have an explanation what this could mean? Any suggestion is appreciated! Thanks in advance! Xiaoxiao He Oct. 15, 2011 Attached are the input parameters for the production md: ===================================================================== -Input Parameters: integrator = sd nsteps = 2000000 init_step = 0 ns_type = Grid nstlist = 10 ndelta = 2 nstcomm = 10 comm_mode = Linear nstlog = 100 nstxout = 100000 nstvout = 100000 nstfout = 100000 nstcalcenergy = 10 nstenergy = 100 nstxtcout = 1000 init_t = 0 delta_t = 0.0005 xtcprec = 1000 nkx = 36 nky = 36 nkz = 36 pme_order = 4 ewald_rtol = 1e-05 ewald_geometry = 0 epsilon_surface = 0 optimize_fft = TRUE ePBC = xyz bPeriodicMols = FALSE bContinuation = FALSE bShakeSOR = FALSE etc = No nsttcouple = -1 epc = Berendsen epctype = Isotropic nstpcouple = 10 tau_p = 1 ref_p (3x3): ref_p[ 0]={ 1.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} ref_p[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} ref_p[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00} compress (3x3): compress[ 0]={ 4.50000e-05, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} compress[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 4.50000e-05, 0.00000e+00} compress[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 4.50000e-05} refcoord_scaling = No posres_com (3): posres_com[0]= 0.00000e+00 posres_com[1]= 0.00000e+00 posres_com[2]= 0.00000e+00 posres_comB (3): posres_comB[0]= 0.00000e+00 posres_comB[1]= 0.00000e+00 posres_comB[2]= 0.00000e+00 andersen_seed = 815131 rlist = 1.3 rlistlong = 1.3 rtpi = 0.05 coulombtype = PME rcoulomb_switch = 0 rcoulomb = 1.3 vdwtype = Switch rvdw_switch = 0.8 rvdw = 0.9 epsilon_r = 1 epsilon_rf = 1 tabext = 1 implicit_solvent = No gb_algorithm = Still gb_epsilon_solvent = 80 nstgbradii = 1 rgbradii = 1 gb_saltconc = 0 gb_obc_alpha = 1 gb_obc_beta = 0.8 gb_obc_gamma = 4.85 gb_dielectric_offset = 0.009 sa_algorithm = Ace-approximation sa_surface_tension = 2.05016 DispCorr = EnerPres free_energy = yes init_lambda = 0 delta_lambda = 5e-07 n_foreign_lambda = 0 sc_alpha = 0.5 sc_power = 1 sc_sigma = 0.3 sc_sigma_min = 0.3 nstdhdl = 10 separate_dhdl_file = no dhdl_derivatives = yes dh_hist_size = 0 dh_hist_spacing = 0.1 nwall = 0 wall_type = 9-3 wall_atomtype[0] = -1 wall_atomtype[1] = -1 wall_density[0] = 0 wall_density[1] = 0 wall_ewald_zfac = 3 pull = no disre = No disre_weighting = Conservative disre_mixed = FALSE dr_fc = 1000 dr_tau = 0 nstdisreout = 100 orires_fc = 0 orires_tau = 0 nstorireout = 100 dihre-fc = 1000 em_stepsize = 0.01 em_tol = 10 niter = 20 fc_stepsize = 0 nstcgsteep = 1000 nbfgscorr = 10 ConstAlg = Lincs shake_tol = 0.0001 lincs_order = 4 lincs_warnangle = 30 lincs_iter = 1 bd_fric = 0 ld_seed = 1993 cos_accel = 0 deform (3x3): deform[ 0]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} deform[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} deform[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} userint1 = 0 userint2 = 0 userint3 = 0 userint4 = 0 userreal1 = 0 userreal2 = 0 userreal3 = 0 userreal4 = 0 grpopts: nrdf: 3903 22866 ref_t: 300 300 tau_t: 0.1 0.1 anneal: No No ann_npoints: 0 0 acc: 0 0 0 nfreeze: N N N energygrp_flags[ 0]: 0 efield-x: n = 0 efield-xt: n = 0 efield-y: n = 0 efield-yt: n = 0 efield-z: n = 0 efield-zt: n = 0 bQMMM = FALSE QMconstraints = 0 QMMMscheme = 0 scalefactor = 1 qm_opts: ngQM = 0 ====================================================================================================== -- Xiaoxiao HE Department of Chemistry The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong Email: Tel: 23585896
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