Dear All, I downloaded ethanol.pdb file from prodrg server (all-atom). I used ethanol.itp file that was in oplsaa.ff directory of gromacs to create topology file for ethanol. I used genconf_d command to generate solvent box of 512 molecules (as of Bevan's gromacs tutorial) and then I scaled the solvent box for the density of ethanol (785.22 g/l) at 298.15. Before creatin solvent box I EM the isolated solvent molecule, then I used that molecule to generate the solvent box. Then I EM the solvent box 512 molecules.Followin are the parameters for EM of Solvent box.
; RUN CONTROL PARAMETERS integrator = steep ; start time and timestep in ps tinit = 0 dt = 0.001 nsteps = 10000 nstlist = 10 rlist = 1.1 coulombtype = pme pme_order = 4 fourierspacing = 0.16 rcoulomb = 1.1 vdw-type = cut-off rvdw = 1.1 nstenergy = 10 ; ENERGY MINIMIZATION OPTIONS emtol = 1000.0 emstep = 0.1 I saw the em.xvg file it is minimized well. Then I started NVT equilibration with lincs constraints for hbonds at timesteps of 0.2 fs and runned for 5 ps. The resultant configuration shows that most of the molecules were together at region of box and there was some void inside the box. I used cut-off of 1.1 nm for electrostatic and VdW interactions. I didn't use any shift or switch function. (can anybody suggest me a good tutorial to understand the judicious use of this functions.) Please help me sort this problem. If you need further details I am ready to send you. Thank you. With Regards, Ravi Kumar Venkatraman, IPC Dept., IISc, INDIA.
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