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...and don't reply to the entire digest. I just stated the reasons
a few
minutes ago and won't bother to repeat myself again here.
Maybe I do have to repeat myself then. Replying to a mess of unrelated content
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I'm interested to analyze conformational change of receptor protein
embedded in membrane. I already performed a dynamic whit only DPPC
I utilized this lipid to see as it influence the conformation of
protein, but I want to realyze a experiment that simulate the membrane
as realistic as possible.
In my first MD with DPPC/protein I found that my protein receptor tends
to increase the helices sizte, someone of the 7 helix tend pass from
alfa helix in p-helix and so on. I performed MD at 323 K 1 amt, my
protocoll is like your tutorial on KALP-15.
Note that if you're using the same force field as the tutorial (53A6 + Berger
lipids), the 53A6 force field has a tendency to produce pi-helical and 3-helical
species that are not necessarily real. Be careful in interpreting these
observations if this is the case.
"A DPPC/cholesterol mixture does not represent human cell membranes very
well, but this information is specific to different cell types.
But now I have some doubts on the use of lipid DPPC is not suitable to
build my realistic model, what you tink if I substitute it with DOPC.
I've already told you that membrane composition is very specific to e.g.
different cell types or even subcellular localization. You need to do some work
figuring out what an appropriate model would be in your case.
Cholesterol will augment this effect, so it is hard to say what
temperature you should use.
I work on 323K in this way I obtain the transition face for DPPC. I want
just to see as the cholesterol influece the the "solvent" DPPC for my
proteins ( sorry for my english. I hope that you understand wath I mean)
If you state the assumption that pure DPPC should be simulated at
roughly 323 K and everything is relative to that, it's part of the
interpretation of your results.
I want to know if I add cholesterol in DPPC membrane wath happen at
protein receptor and if the chol tend to clustering with the protein
receptor, I want to performing different MD with different % of CHOL.
All that sounds reasonable, but you need to decide on what model to use, as I've
said. If you want to use DPPC, you have to operate under different,
non-physiological conditions. If you want to model physiological reality, you
likely shouldn't be using DPPC as your primary lipid.
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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