Ye Yang wrote:
Thank you very much, Mark.

Is there anyway I can know the unit of input from the top file? I am not sure what I am getting from the webtool, although it shows "kj/mol" the instruction on the web says the unit is reduced unit, which makes me confused. In the former case I do not need to convert, but in latter case, I need to convert to standard units. The webtool is from, it is developped by Dr. Onuchic's group in UCSD.
Has anyone used this?

Since this topology was not created by any standard Gromacs utility, wouldn't it be more efficient to contact the developers directly about implementation details and proper use?


[ angles ]
 ;ai  aj   ak  func  th0(deg)   Ka
     1      2      3 1  0.95664E+02  0.40000E+02
     2      3      4 1  0.91183E+02  0.40000E+02
     3      4      5 1  0.89842E+02  0.40000E+02
     4      5      6 1  0.91965E+02  0.40000E+02
     5      6      7 1  0.90670E+02  0.40000E+02
     6      7      8 1  0.91186E+02  0.40000E+02
     7      8      9 1  0.92703E+02  0.40000E+02
     8      9     10 1  0.91537E+02  0.40000E+02
     9     10     11 1  0.91328E+02  0.40000E+02
    10     11     12 1  0.92557E+02  0.40000E+02
    11     12     13 1  0.93372E+02  0.40000E+02
    12     13     14 1  0.94347E+02  0.40000E+02
    13     14     15 1  0.99411E+02  0.40000E+02
    14     15     16 1  0.98190E+02  0.40000E+02
 [ dihedrals ]
 ;ai  aj  ak  al  func  phi0(deg)   Kd(kJ/mol)  mult
     1      2      3      4 1  0.24358E+03  0.10000E+01 1
     1      2      3      4 1  0.73074E+03  0.50000E+00 3
     2      3      4      5 1  0.22823E+03  0.10000E+01 1
     2      3      4      5 1  0.68469E+03  0.50000E+00 3
     3      4      5      6 1  0.23172E+03  0.10000E+01 1
     3      4      5      6 1  0.69515E+03  0.50000E+00 3
     4      5      6      7 1  0.22982E+03  0.10000E+01 1
     4      5      6      7 1  0.68946E+03  0.50000E+00 3

Thank you very much.


2011/6/22 Mark Abraham < <>>

    On 23/06/2011 10:36 AM, Ye Yang wrote:
        Thanks for replying, Yang.
        But I still did not get it fully:
        1. So if we use reduced unit in input, the output and
    calculation is still assumed to be in standard units?

    The calculation uses the same algorithm and whatever values you
    input. Nowhere have you specified that these values are in anything
    other than the standard units, so how could GROMACS know to change
    anything? (Nor can you specify such)

    But the calculation itself is different since the constants are
    different, so the result must differed a lot. Does gromacs knows
    that we are using reduced unit?

    No. It's up to you to use a self-consistent set of input parameters,
    and to interpret the results correctly.

        2. With this program/forcefield to build top file automaticly,
    the KJ/mol it gives is in the top file, so it is still part of
    input, in this case , the gromacs will recognize it in the
    standard unit?

    It doesn't recognize units. It follows an algorithm that is correct
    if all the quantities are measured in the standard units. If you
    change something, you have to understand all the consequences and
    interpret appropriately :-)


        3. in the top file it gives:
[ angles ]
     ;ai  aj   ak  func  th0(deg)   Ka
         1      2      3 1  0.95664E+02  0.40000E+02
         2      3      4 1  0.91183E+02  0.40000E+02
         3      4      5 1  0.89842E+02  0.40000E+02
         4      5      6 1  0.91965E+02  0.40000E+02
         5      6      7 1  0.90670E+02  0.40000E+02
         6      7      8 1  0.91186E+02  0.40000E+02
         7      8      9 1  0.92703E+02  0.40000E+02
         8      9     10 1  0.91537E+02  0.40000E+02
         9     10     11 1  0.91328E+02  0.40000E+02
        10     11     12 1  0.92557E+02  0.40000E+02
        11     12     13 1  0.93372E+02  0.40000E+02
        12     13     14 1  0.94347E+02  0.40000E+02
        13     14     15 1  0.99411E+02  0.40000E+02
        14     15     16 1  0.98190E+02  0.40000E+02
     [ dihedrals ]
     ;ai  aj  ak  al  func  phi0(deg)   Kd(kJ/mol)  mult
         1      2      3      4 1  0.24358E+03  0.10000E+01 1
         1      2      3      4 1  0.73074E+03  0.50000E+00 3
         2      3      4      5 1  0.22823E+03  0.10000E+01 1
         2      3      4      5 1  0.68469E+03  0.50000E+00 3
         3      4      5      6 1  0.23172E+03  0.10000E+01 1
         3      4      5      6 1  0.69515E+03  0.50000E+00 3
         4      5      6      7 1  0.22982E+03  0.10000E+01 1
         4      5      6      7 1  0.68946E+03  0.50000E+00 3

    Seems to me that this is the standard unit, yet the author of the
    webtool emphasize that this structure based cg model is in reduced
    unit, so what result do I got?
    Has anyone used this webtool to do CG simulation and explain what
    is case?

    Thank you all very much.


    2011/6/22 Yang Ye < <>>


        The unit in output is in assumed to be for the standard unit
        input while the value is in reduced unit.

        So you need to do your own calculation to figure out what's
        the reduced unit is.

        Yang Ye

        On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 5:48 AM, Ye Yang
        < <>> wrote:

            Dear all:
                    I see from the user's manual that if our input is
            in reduced unit, the output will also be in reduced
            P25.  On the contrary, if we use standard unit, the out
            put will be in standard unit.
                    This brings the question up when we use coarse
            grain Clementi's model webtool
            (, according to the
            author, it seems that everything is in reduced unit, so
            the output file should also be in reduced unit, yet I
            found the topology file that the energy unit is KJ/mol.
            What exactly is the unit of the input and out put file?
            When I pull the molecules, do I get the reduced unit
            result or the physical unit result?
                    Since I am an experimentalist, getting the
            physical units is more important to me, so as to compare
            with the experimental results, albeit the intrinsic
            difference. If I get something in reduced unit, there is
            necessity for me to change it into physical unit, or at
            least clarify it in comparison.
                    Thank you very much.


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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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