Dear Gromacs-users,

I compiled a single and a double precision version of gromacs 4.5.4 (MPI 
enabled). The differences between single and double precision runs have been 
discussed in older threads (2005/2008) in this mailing list before. At least, I 
did not understand completely, which parts or calculations in an simulation are 
affected by my single/double precision choice. Some threads identified the 
equilibration step to be the most susceptible for differences. Is this true ? 

With each version (single and double precision), I calculated the same 
simulation (same seeds). Which observables/energies/tests should I observe or 
conduct to find and evaluate the differences ? For my system 
(protein/water/lipids), I would like to find out, if the calculation intensive 
double precision version has advantages, which are essential for a correct 

Thanks for all your support,

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