mohsen ramezanpour wrote:
Dear Dr.Justin

I didn't any equilibration for any windows! Because:
As I know the thermodynamics of the system had wroten in NPT.cpt file (for example the velocities and etc).

Then where does NPT.cpt come from? Presumably, if you have this file, you did some equilibration. I don't understand what you've done. If you want to rely on previous, equilibrium dynamics under an NPT ensemble, you must do equilibrium MD (not steered) for each configuration under the desired conditions, then pass the .cpt file to grompp -t when building the umbrella sampling input files.

Then when I use that in grompp for each windows ,I expect the same characteristics of system as before(At least the same T)!

With "gen_vel = no" and no record of the prior state, this is not a reasonable expectation. You will get a temperature based on the initial forces present in the system (which determine initial velocities). The resulting temperature may or may not be identical to the previous state, but under the influence of a thermostat, you will reach the desired temperature.

If you're attempting to follow my tutorial directly, at this point I think you should stop and consider the discussion I have in the tutorial on maintaining the ensemble:

In the example system (one I know very well), it was satisfactory to simply use
"gen_vel = no" and allow these initial forces to govern the resulting dynamics. In many other cases (probably most), you should:

1. Generate your configurations (SMD, etc)
2. Run individual NPT simulations (or whatever ensemble) for each desired starting configuration (and thus obtain npt0.cpt, npt1.cpt, etc)
3. Initiate umbrella sampling windows using the npt*.cpt files from each window.

Otherwise, skip step 2, use "gen_vel = yes" and discard the first few hundred ps as equilibration in each window.

Actually after PULLING step I used the following commands:
grompp -f umbrella.mdp -c config0.gro -p -o umbrella0.tpr -n index.ndx mdrun -v -deffnm umbrella0 -px pullx0.xvg -pf pullf0.xvg -cpi NPT.cpt

what is your point of view now?

These commands do not necessarily preserve the ensemble. Without providing suitable information to grompp -t, the initial state is lost. I still don't know where NPT.cpt comes from. You say you're running grompp immediately after pulling, which is a non-equilibrium ensemble that you don't want to preserve as input into umbrella sampling. That, and likely the settings in SMD vs. US are different, so if NPT.cpt corresponds to your SMD simulation, you probably don't want to be using that for all your umbrella sampling windows, as the information it contains is for one single snapshot somewhere along the SMD run. If this is not the case, and you've generated NPT.cpt in some other manner, you will have to explain where it came from.

What do you think if I use NPT.enr OR NPT.trr OR in grompp(especially NPT.enr) ?

Not necessary.  Using .cpt files is more accurate.

Because all of information about NPT step are included in this files.

Note entirely. The differences between using .edr + .trr vs. .cpt alone are very small, but using a .cpt file is the most rigorously correct way to maintain the ensemble.


Thanks in advance for your

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Justin A. Lemkul < <>> wrote:

    mohsen ramezanpour wrote:

        Dear Dr.Justin

        Regarding doing umbrella sampling:
        I used gen_vel =no
        and I prefer to use from thermodynamics of system in  NPT.cpt

        Although the T and P were as I did set in NPT.mdp file (T=310
        ,P=1 bar)
        But  their values in my umbrela.log files are not as before (for
        example  P=-8.434578e+1)

        Where did I wrong?

    I have no clue.  You didn't provide your commands or any evidence
    that the prior ensemble was to be maintained.  If you have done NPT
    equilibration in each window, then pass the .cpt file to grompp and
    the ensemble should be preserved in each window.  Note that an
    instantaneous pressure value means nothing, as discussed weekly on
    this list and online:

    It is the average that is most meaningful.


-- ========================================

    Justin A. Lemkul
    Ph.D. Candidate
    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
    MILES-IGERT Trainee
    Department of Biochemistry
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA
    jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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