Dear Saly
I attached for you the SW itp file: inside there is the reference to the original paper.
You can find the SWM4 topology at the

For SWM4-NDP I attach for you the topology that I created from the reference paper. Please check the parameter values with the ones reported in the original paper...I am only a man and I usually make a lot of mistakes.

Concerning the force field I would like to advice you. You did not tell me what you want to do with your water...
If you have to solvate something in water you have to be careful.
Common force field (oplsa, gaff etc.) are not parametrize for these kind of water models that are quite recent. For example, I know that there is some recent ion parametrization in SWM4-NDP water ( J.Chem. Theory Comput. Lamoureux et. al., 2010).... So I suggest you to check in literature how common force field behave with these water models or to make some preliminary test...

All the best

On 4/27/2011 10:08 PM, saly jackson wrote:
Hi Ivan

Please do not reply to whole digests with non-descriptive subject lines. It confuses the archives, and alienates people from finding out the topic of your interest, and thus being bothered to give you free help. Please leave only the relevant discussion, and use a useful subject line.

In which force field can I find the polarizable water models you said in section "b" of your reply

Have you done your own literature searching first? Then you'd already know what force fields they might have been used with...


On 04/27/2011 02:08 PM, saly jackson wrote:
Hi Ivan

In which force field can I find the polarizable water models you said in section "b" of your reply

Thanks alot




    Message: 3
    Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:14:42 +0200
    From: Ivan Gladich <
    Subject: Re: [gmx-users] POL3 water model
    To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <
    Message-ID: <
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Dear Saly
         from my little experience, POL3 water model is a point
    water model.
    Point polarizable water models are not available in gromacs.
    Gromacs uses shell model, i.e. charge attached on a spring to
    mimic the
    stretching of the electronic cloud.

    So you have 3 solutions
    a) You can take the POL3 model, look the polarizability of oxygen and
    hydrogen atom  and attach shells on oxygen and hydrogens atoms in
    to reproduce the model for gromacs.
    b) In Gromacs there are other polarizable water models using shell
    SWM4-DP,  SWM4-NDP,  SW ), you could try with one of my
    opinion this is the best solution..;)
    c) If you really need POL3 model, try with other molecular package
    have point polarizable POL3 water (e.g. AMBER)

    I hope this help

    On 04/27/2011 11:04 AM, saly jackson wrote:
    > Hi all
    > I want to simulate using GROMACS.Before I used LAMMPS but it has not
    > polarizable water models. Therefore I want to use GROMACS.
    > I need .itp and .mdp files  of POL3 water model.
    > Do you have the files.
    > Would you please help me.
    > Thanks alot for your time and attention
    > Regards
    > Saly

    Ivan Gladich, Ph.D.
    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
    Flemingovo nám. 2.
    166 10 Praha 6
    Czech Republic

    Tel: +420775504164
    e-mail: <>
    web page:

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    Message: 4
    Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:22:20 +0430
    From: mohsen ramezanpour <
    Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Docking
    To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <
    Message-ID: <
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

    Dear Mark
    Thank you for your reply.yes,you are right.

    Regarding question 2:
    I have a pdf file from "Docking Server" for sertraline-SERT
    this is a good docked state.

    In the other hand,I did what I explained in section 1 for
    sertraline and
    SERT.(by pymol and ...)
    Now, I want to check if I have docked sertraline to SERT correctly
    or not(
    by comparing with Docking server's one)
    How can I do that?

    Do you have any suggestion for doing docking by gromacs? for
    example pulling
    code, MD , or SMD?
    Thanks in advance

    On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Mark Abraham
    < <>>wrote:

    > On 4/27/2011 7:05 PM, mohsen ramezanpour wrote:
    >> Dear Users
    >> I read so many emails to mailing list, there were important
    notes about
    >> docking but I couldn't extract a general result.
    >> Please let me know:
    >> 1-Can we dock a ligand to it's protein's binding pocket with
    Pymol and
    >> Gromacs as following?
    >> first:locating ligand outside and close to binding site
     manually in pymol
    >> and saving complex.pdb
    >> second:doing all steps for generating and
    complex.gro as
    >> Enzyme-Drug tutorial
    >> third:running md (with out any pull code and constraint),in the
    >> words,full flexible system.
    >> I think drug can move freely and according to it's interaction with
    >> binding site can be attracted by binding site.
    >> reside for a distance time and then will come out of pocket.
    >> Am I right?
    > In principle, yes, but it is wildly unlikely that you have a
    system that
    > can bind and unbind reliably in the 100ns simulation range that
    you might be
    > able to afford to run, and if you did happen to have one, what
    would you
    > have learned?
    >  I know what discussed in mainling list about deffinition of
    >> 2-I have some docked files by "Docking Server " for some of my
    >> drug-protein's complexes.
    >> now,I want to obtain them by doing MD in the above proccess.if
    I was
    >> successful then try to do that for other drugs which I don't
    have any docked
    >> pdb for them.
    >> How can I fit a trajectory with a typical pdb file?
    > I don't understand what you are asking.
    > Mark
    > --
    > gmx-users mailing list
    > Please search the archive at
    > before posting!
    > Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
    www interface
    > or send it to
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    End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 84, Issue 213

Ivan Gladich, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2.
166 10 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Tel: +420775504164
web page:

; Topology file for SW
; Paul van Maaren and David van der Spoel
; Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water with Novel Shell Model Potentials
; J. Phys. Chem. B. 105 (2618-2626), 2001
; Force constants for the shell are given by:
; k = qs^2/(4 pi eps0 alpha)
; However, in the current version of the itp file and software (3.2+)
; force constants are computed in mdrun, and the input is the
; polarizability in nm^3.
; Some data: mu (water) = 1.8546 D ( 0.0386116 e nm)
;            1/(4 pi eps0 alpha) = 94513.94
; Alpha-X = 1.415   kx = 608069
; Alpha-Y = 1.528   ky = 563101
; Alpha-Z = 1.468   kz = 586116
; Alpha   = 1.470   k  = 585318
; Bonding parameters from (but without cubic term):
; D. M. Ferguson: 
; Parametrization and Evaluation of a Flexible Water Model 
; J. Comp. Chem. 16(4), 501-511 (1995)
; Possible defines that you can put in your
; -DANISOTROPIC Select anisotropic polarizibility (isotropic is default).
; -DRIGID       Rigid model (flexible is default)
; -DPOSRES      Position restrain oxygen atoms

[ defaults ]
LJ      Geometric

[ atomtypes ]
;name        mass      charge   ptype   c6      c12
   WO    15.99940       0.0     A       0.0     0.0
   WH     1.00800       0.0     A       0.0     0.0
   WS     0.0           0.0     S       0.0     0.0
   WD     0.0           0.0     D       0.0     0.0

[ nonbond_params ]
#ifdef RIGID
WH      WH      1       4.0e-5          4.0e-8
WS      WO      1       1.0e-6          1.0e-12
WS      WH      1       4.0e-5          2.766e-08
WO      WO      1       2.0e-3          1.174e-06
WH      WH      1       4.0e-5          4.0e-8
WS      WO      1       1.0e-6          1.0e-12
WS      WH      1       4.0e-5          2.769e-08
WO      WO      1       2.0e-3          1.176e-06
WH      WH      1       4.0e-5          4.0e-8
WS      WO      1       1.0e-6          1.0e-12
WS      WH      1       4.0e-5          2.910e-08
WO      WO      1       2.0e-3          1.189e-06
WH      WH      1       4.0e-5          4.0e-8
WS      WO      1       1.0e-6          1.0e-12
WS      WH      1       4.0e-5          2.937e-08
WO      WO      1       2.0e-3          1.187e-06

;; This is a the 'classical YAW' model, in which we do have the dummy.
;; The shell is attached to the dummy, in this case the gas-phase
;; quadrupole is correct. Water_pol routine can be used for this
;; model. This has four interaction sites.
[ moleculetype ]
; molname       nrexcl
SW              2

[ atoms ]
; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name         cg nr   charge
1       WO      1       SM2             OW1             1       1.24588
2       WH      1       SM2             HW2             1       0.62134
3       WH      1       SM2             HW3             1       0.62134
4       WD      1       SM2             DW              1       0.0
5       WS      1       SM2             SW              1       -2.48856

[ water_polarization ]
; See notes above. Alphas in nm^3 (See ref. above)
; O H H D S funct  al_x  al_y     al_z          rOH     rHH     rOD
  1 2 3 4 5 1   0.001415 0.001528 0.001468      0.09572 0.15139 0.0137408


[ polarization ]
; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
4       5       1       0.00147

#ifdef RIGID
[ settles ]
; i     funct   dOH     dHH
1       1       0.09572 0.15139


[ bonds ]
1       2       1   0.09572     458148.
1       3       1   0.09572     458148.

[ angles ]
; i     j       k
2       1       3    1   104.52     417.6

[ dummies3 ]
; The position of the dummies is computed as follows:
;               O
;               D
;       H               H
; 2 * b = distance (OD) / [ cos (angle(DOH))    * distance (OH) ]
;         0.0137408 nm  / [ cos (104.52 / 2 deg) * 0.09572 nm   ]
;         0.01557 nm 
; Dummy pos x4 = x1 + a*(x2-x1) + b*(x3-X1)
; Dummy from                    funct   a               b
4       1       2       3       1       0.117265878     0.117265878

[ exclusions ]
; iatom excluded from interaction with i
1       2       3       4       5
2       1       3       4       5
3       1       2       4       5
4       1       2       3       5
5       1       2       3       4

#ifdef POSRES
; Restrain the oxygen...
[ position_restraints ]
; iatom type    fx      fy      fz
1       1       100     100     100

;Ivan Gladich, Prague 26/02/2011
; Topology file for SWM4-NDP obtained from
; G. Lamoureux, A. D. MacKerell, Jr., B. Roux et. al.
; A polarizable model of water for molecular dynamics simulations of 
biomoleculesbased on classical Drude oscillators
; Chem. Phys. Lett.,418,245-249, 2005

[ defaults ]
;nbfunc (1=LJ,2=Buck)
1      2

[ atomtypes ]
;name        mass      charge   ptype   sigma    epsilon 
   WO    15.99940       0.0     A      0.318395  0.88257296
   WH     1.00800       0.0     A       0.0      0.0
   WS     0.0           0.0     S       0.0      0.0
   WD     0.0           0.0     D       0.0      0.0

[ moleculetype ]
; molname       nrexcl
SW              2

[ atoms ]
; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name         cg nr   charge
1       WO      1       SM2             OW1             1       1.71636
2       WH      1       SM2             HW2             1       0.55733
3       WH      1       SM2             HW3             1       0.55733
4       WD      1       SM2             DW              1      -1.11466
5       WS      1       SM2             SW              1      -1.71636

[ polarization ]
; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
;The drude particle is attached to the oxygen atom!!!!!
1       5       1       0.00097822 

[ settles ]
; dHH = 0.15139 gives HOH agle equal to 104.52 degree
; i    funct  dOH    dHH
 1     1      0.09572       0.15139

;[ constraints ]
; i     funct   doh     dhh
;1       2       1       0.09572
;1       3       1       0.09572
;3       2       1       0.15139

[ virtual_sites3 ]
; The position of the dummies is computed as follows:
;               O
;               D
;       H               H
; "a" and "b" are wieight
;the dummy 4 is in the plane of atom 1 2 3. 
;Function 2 means that rd= rO+b(rOH1+arH1H2)/|rOH1+arH1H2|(see manual)
;so a=1/2 and b the distance from the oxygen atom 
; Dummy from                    funct   a               b
4       1       2       3       2       0.5      0.024034

[ exclusions ]
; iatom excluded from interaction with i
1       2       3       4       5
2       1       3       4       5
3       1       2       4       5
4       1       2       3       5
5       1       2       3       4

[ system ]
Ice TIP5P-Ew T300

[ molecules ]
SW        1792
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