sarah k wrote:
Dear gromacs users,
Thanks for your previous guidance. I used Drug/Enzyme complex
solvation tutorial to run my simulation in nitrogen box. It finally
But I think that the *.gro coordination file of my solvent has problem
beacuse when I run it, in my _b4ion.gro file the nitrogen molecules
have overlapped and created connected triangles near the protein where
To be clear, there are no such connections. Your visualization software is
simply using a heuristic algorithm to guess where bonds should be based on
interatomic distances.
they are more dense. Since nitrogen is gas, I can not make a dense
box. If the nitrogen molecules in my gro file be more than 60, the
protein structure breaks and energy minimization can't take place. If
it be few I'll confront this error when I type mdrun_d -s a_pr.tpr -o
a_pr.trr -c a_b4md.gro -g pr.log -e pr.edr &:
2 particles communicated to PME node 1 are more than a cell length of
their charge group.
(I've optimized the #solvent molecules and I guess 49 is the best.)
If I define a larger box of 2.1 the error changes to:
A 2.1-nm box? For all but the smallest proteins (or even a single amino acid,
for that matter) and shortest cutoffs, this is certainly far too small.
A charge group moved too far between two domain decomposition steps
This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.
Both of your errors indicate that your system is blowing up.
Your system has become unstable either due to a poor topology, bad starting
configuration, incorrect .mdp settings, or a combination of these.
Thus, I think that all the problem is the coordination file of
nitrogen. I need a nitrogen box with its coordinations and
pre-equilibrating it. Is it really my problem? Can someone explain how
I can generate a pre-equilibrated coordination file similar to
spc216.gro but with nitrogen? Thanks.
It is important to not draw simple analogies like "how can I make nitrogen like
water." You can immediately see that there is a problem with that logic. If
you want to simulate a protein in the gas phase, you should:
1. Search the literature for previous similar attempts and try to replicate that
2. Be sure that you're using gas phase conditions (usually NVT instead of NPT to
avoid spurious contraction of the box), appropriate cutoffs, etc.
You can equilibrate any sort of "solvent" you wish, liquid or gas, by applying
the correct conditions, although all of the force fields implemented in Gromacs
have principally been validated for condensed phase simulations. That said, it
doesn't mean you can't accomplish your goal, but your workflow and .mdp settings
may have to be somewhat different from the standard tutorials of proteins in water.
Sarah K.
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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