Hey :)

As there seems to be interest :)
Below is the diff between native and my version of gmx_trjconv.c 4.5, the
complete source file is attached. I'd fancy comments and suggestions.

Hope it helps,



> static void taw_pbc_cluster(int nrefat,t_topology *top,rvec *x, atom_id
>                 matrix box,real cutoff)
> {
>   int i,j,id,na,nc,cid,nr,m,*cluster;
>   atom_id *active,*done,*rest;
>   matrix S,T,A;
>   rvec *y,rd;
>   real ax2,ay2,az2,axy,axz,ayz,d,cut2;
>   gmx_bool bClustered;
>   cut2 = cutoff*cutoff;
>   transpose(box,S);
>   m_inv(S,T);
>   ax2 =   iprod( S[0], S[0] );
>   ay2 =   iprod( S[1], S[1] );
>   az2 =   iprod( S[2], S[2] );
>   axy = 2*iprod( S[0], S[1] );
>   axz = 2*iprod( S[0], S[2] );
>   ayz = 2*iprod( S[1], S[2] );
>   snew(rest,   nrefat);
>   snew(active, nrefat);
>   snew(done,   nrefat);
>   snew(cluster,nrefat);
>   snew(y,      nrefat);
>   nr = nrefat;
>   nc = m = 0;
>   cid = 0;
>   for (i=0; i<nr; i++)
>   {
>     rest[i] = i;
>     /* Transform to box coordinates */
>     mvmul(T,x[ndx[i]],y[i]);
>   }
>   while (nr)
>   {
>     if (nr<0)
>       exit(1);
>     /*
>        If we get here we have _nc_ clustered atoms,
>        but none which has neighbours in the rest group:
>        Time for a new cluster.
>        Pick one atom from the rest group and add it to the clustered ones.
>        Rest counter nr is decremented.
>        The new active atom is not counted as clustered yet.
>        The cluster id was already set.
>        When entering the following while loop we have exactly one active
>     */
>     done[nc] = rest[--nr];
>     cluster[nc] = cid;
>     na = 1;
>     m  = 0;
>     while (na)
>     {
>       /*
>     Run over active atoms.
>     The active atoms run from nc to nc+na
>       */
>       /* Iterate over atoms in rest group */
>       for (i=0; i<nr; i++)
>       {
>     bClustered = FALSE;
>     /* For each atom in rest group check distance from active group */
>     for (j=nc; j<nc+na; j++)
>     {
>       /* Distance in periodic system in box coordinates */
>       rvec_sub( y[rest[i]], y[done[j]], rd );
>       /* Truncate coordinates for minimial distances */
>       rd[0] -= floor( rd[0] + 0.5 );
>       rd[1] -= floor( rd[1] + 0.5 );
>       rd[2] -= floor( rd[2] + 0.5 );
>       /* Distance follows from d = r'S'Sr = r'Ar = */
>       d =
>       /* If atom i is within the cutoff distance of j, it is part of the
same cluster */
>       if (d<cut2)
>       {
>         /* Add the atom to the active cluster group */
>         id          = nc+na+m;
>         done[id]    = rest[i];
>         cluster[id] = cid;
>         m++;
>         /* Relocate the atoms such that it is positioned properly */
>         rvec_add(rd,y[done[j]],y[done[id]]);
>         /* Now pass on to the next atom in the rest group */
>         break;
>       }
>       /*
>          We only get here if the atom could not be assigned to a cluster.
>          Then we shift the atom down in the rest array.
>       */
>       rest[i-m] = rest[i];
>     }
>       }
>       /* Subtract the number of atoms taken from the rest group */
>       nr -= m;
>       /* Now mark all previously active atoms clustered */
>       nc = nc + na;
>       /* And mark all atoms added active */
>       na = m;
>       m  = 0;
>     } /* while (na) */
>     cid++;
>   } /* while (nr) */
>   fprintf(stderr,"Found %d clusters",cid);
>   sfree(rest);
>   sfree(active);
>   sfree(done);
>   sfree(cluster);
>   for (i=0; i<nrefat; i++)
>   {
>     mvmul(S,y[i],x[ndx[i]]);
>   }
>   sfree(y);
> }
<     static real  dropunder=0,dropover=0;
>     static real  dropunder=0,dropover=0,dclus=0.5;
<                         "coarse grained ones" } };
>                         "coarse grained ones" },
>                     { "-dclus", FALSE, etREAL,
>                         { &dclus },
>                         "Cutoff distance for clustering" } };
<             if (0 == top.mols.nr && (bCluster || bPBCcomMol))
> /*            if (0 == top.mols.nr && (bCluster || bPBCcomMol))*/
>             if (0 == top.mols.nr && bPBCcomMol)
>             taw_pbc_cluster(ifit,&top,fr.x,ind_fit,fr.box,dclus);
>             /*
>             */

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Jianguo Li <ljg...@yahoo.com.sg> wrote:

> Hi Tsjerk,
> I am doing protein-micelle simultions and could you also send me your
> modified trjconv code?
> Thank  you very much!
> best regards,
> Jianguo
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Tsjerk Wassenaar <tsje...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 14 April 2011 23:44:07
> *Subject:* Re: [gmx-users] micelles and trjconv -pbc cluster
> Hi George,
> Recently I wrote an alternative, non-iterative clustering routine, that
> does not suffer from convergence failures. If you want, I can send you the
> modified trjconv source code. Note that it does not bother about the center
> of mass of the cluster, but just builds a network of neighbours, until there
> are no more. If you're clusters are not periodic, it won't matter.
> Let me know...
> Cheers,
> Tsjerk
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Erik Marklund <er...@xray.bmc.uu.se>wrote:
>>  jim jack skrev 2011-04-14 16.42:
>>   Dear GROMACS users,
>>    I am trying to simulate an SDS micelle in water. As simulation time
>> goes by, the micelle approaches the edge of the box and consequently some of
>> these molecules get in from the other side. This leads to incorrect radius
>> of gyration, eccentricity, etc. A solution to this problem is the option 
>> trjconv
>> -pbc cluster as described in the page
>> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Micelle_Clustering. In this
>> case, the problem is that it takes a lot of time and a huge file (several
>> GB) is created due to this procedure. Is there any other alternative?
>> Thanks in advance
>> George Koros
>>    I don't think that the cluster option always converges. You could, if
>> your micelle is intact at frame 0, first do trjconv -pbc nojump, then
>> optionally trjconv -center. That should give a trajectory from which you
>> could calculate the radius of gyration. If SDS molecules occationally leave
>> the micelle and recombine with a priodic, then you might have a problem with
>> the suggested approach.
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Erik Marklund, PhD student
>> Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
>> Husargatan 3, Box 596,    75124 Uppsala, Sweden
>> phone:    +46 18 471 4537        fax: +46 18 511 755er...@xray.bmc.uu.se    
>> http://folding.bmc.uu.se/
>> --
>> gmx-users mailing list    gmx-users@gromacs.org
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> --
> Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
> post-doctoral researcher
> Molecular Dynamics Group
> * Groningen Institute for Biomolecular Research and Biotechnology
> * Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
> University of Groningen
> The Netherlands

Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

post-doctoral researcher
Molecular Dynamics Group
* Groningen Institute for Biomolecular Research and Biotechnology
* Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

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