sara wrote:
Dear All Users
I am beginner to GROMACS. I want to simulate CNT in water. I made pdb
file by VMD and then made .gro by "editconf -f file.pdb -o file.gro -box
4" command. then for made topology file, I use .n2t itp, .itp, .rtp,
ff.dat, and by "x2top -f file.gro -o -ff cnt_oplsaa -name CNT
-noparam -pbc" command. it makes topology file. but when I want to add
water by "genbox" it make "" but there is not the water
parameters(there is only number of water molecules at the end of file).
then I use #include command for tip3p.itp model. when I want do em run
by grompp, it dos not make .tpr and give error:
"Fatal error:
[ file tip3p,itp, Line 42 ]:
Atom index (1) in settles out of bounds (1-0). ....."
You've placed your #include statement in the wrong location.
I studied some guides to another gromacs user in mailing list and add
"#define ff.." in ffcnt_oplsaa.itp but it gives this error again.
Without seeing the contents of your topology, no one can comment on whether or
not this is appropriate.
I think because of use ffcnt_oplsaa.itp , it can't include tip3p.itp.
You can #include any series of legitimate .itp files. In your case, you
probably have something nested inside another [moleculetype].
but when I add this forcefield to tip3p.itp by hand this error again comes.
please guide me.
thank you so much
Sara Azhari
Phd Student
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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