Dear Gromacs users,

I really hope someone could give me some advise on my following
problem.  I am simulating liquid bulk hexane using a shell (or Drude
oscillator) model that incorporates the electronic polarization in
GROMACS 4.5.3.  To do this, I use the force field parameters from the
CHARMM drude-based polarizable force field developed by Vorobyov,
Anisomov, and MacKerell

For my simulation, I have a cubic box with a length of 3.2 nm
consisting of 150 molecules, and I employ the following essential MD
parameters: coulombtype = PME, rlist = rcoulomb = 1.5, pme_order = 6,
fourierspacing = 0.1, vdw-type = switch, rvdw = 1.2, rvdw_switch =
1.0, dispcorr = no. The shell particles are optimized in every time
step with settings: emtol = 0.1, niter = 100.  The system is
calculated for 5 ns.

For the bulk properties at 298 K and 1 atm, I have calculated the
density (654.7 g/cm3), the self-diffusion constant (3.2 x 10-5 cm2/s),
surface tension (vapor-liquid hexane, 16.45 dyn/cm), and they seem to
correspond quite fair with the experimental data (655 g/cm3, 4.0 x
10-5 cm2/s, and 17.9 dyn/cm, respectively).  However, for the static
dielectric constant (eps_0), I only obtained a value of around 1.18
(using both g_dipoles -f eq_npt.xtc -s eq_npt.tpr and g_current -f
eq_npt.xtc -s eq_npt.tpr)  In the paper, the authors didn't report the
dielectric constant for hexane.  However, they calculated this
property for isobutane (1.81) and heptane (1.91).  So, accordingly,
the static dielectric constant for hexane should be located between
those values.  The experimentally extrapolated value for hexane at
298.15K is around 1.88.

At the moment, I could not figure out why I couldn't get a positive
result for eps_0, and also do not know what went wrong with my system.
 I am truly stuck.  In the paper, the author did mention that for
alkanes the high-frequency dependent dielectric constant (eps_inf) is
more dominant. So, in order to calculate eps_0, they first calculated
eps_inf, and aftewards used eps_inf as the input to calculate eps_0.
(In GROMACS, if I understood correctly, g_dielectric is used to
approximate eps_inf.  But still, we need eps_0 as the input).  The
authors calculated eps_inf based on the dipole fluctuations of the
simulation box associated with the movement of the shell particles,
resulted from Langevin simulation on frozen nuclear configuration.
However, they used extended Lagrangian formalism in their simulation,
and this is not applicable in GROMACS.

I don't know if I am missing something obvious.  Again, I really hope
if anyone could give me suggestion.  I have also copied and pasted the
top and itp files I used during my simulation below. I honestly
apologize since they are quite long.

Many thanks in advance.


ITP File

; Polarizable model of heptane molecules
; Constructed by on a paper by Vorobroy, Anisimov, and MacKerell
; J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 18988-18999

[ defaults ]
; nbfunc        comb-rule       gen-pairs    fudgeLJ   fudgeQQ
   1               2              yes            1       1

[ atomtypes ]
; m(C*)                         = 12.011
; m(H*)                         = 1.008
; m(D*)                         = 0.0           
; LJ parameters for all atom types were taken from the paper
; Optimised LJ Parameters
; type  Rmin/2  eps
; CT2           2.010           0.056   
; CT3           2.040           0.078
; HA2           1.340           0.035
; HA3           1.340           0.024
; eps(gmx)              = eps(paper)*4.18400
; sigma(gmx)    = ((Rmin/2)*2)/(2^(1/6))
; q(C_P)        = q(C)-q(D*)
; q(C3)         = -0.177, q(C2) = -0.156
; q(D_C3)       = -1.111429842, q(D_C2) = -0.9998924
; q(C3_P)       = q(C3) - q(D_C3) = -0.177 + 1.111429842        = 0.934429842
; q(C2_P)       = q(C2) - q(D_C2) = -0.156 + 0.9998924          = 0.8438924

; name  mass            charge           ptype          sigma [nm]      eps 
C3_P    12.011   0.934429842    A       0.363486677001  0.326352
C2_P    12.011   0.8438924              A       0.358141284692  0.234304
D_C3    0.0        -1.111429842         S       0.0000000000    0.000000        
D_C2    0.0        -0.9998924           S       0.0000000000    0.000000        
HA2             1.00800  0.078                  A       0.238760856462  0.146440
HA3             1.00800  0.059                  A       0.238760856462  0.100416

; All internal parameters were taken from CHARMM27 force field
implemented in GROMACS 4.5.3

[ nonbond_params ]
;                             sigma             epsilon
C3_P    C3_P    1       0.3634867          0.3263520
C2_P    C2_P    1       0.3581413          0.2343040
HA2             HA2             1       0.2387609          0.1464400
HA3             HA3             1       0.2387609          0.1004160
C3_P    C2_P    1       0.3608140    0.2765241
C3_P    HA2             1       0.3011238          0.2186115
C3_P    HA3             1       0.3011238          0.1810275
C2_P    HA2             1       0.2984511          0.1852336
C2_P    HA3             1       0.2984511          0.1533880
HA2             HA3             1       0.2387609          0.1212638

[ bondtypes ]
; i     j       func    b0      kb
C3_P  C2_P   1    0.1528    186188.0
HA3   C3_P   1    0.1111    269449.6
HA2   C2_P   1    0.1111    258571.2
C2_P  C2_P   1    0.153 186188.0

[ angletypes ]
; i     j               k        func   th0       cth           ub0       cub
C3_P    C2_P    C2_P   5        115.00  485.344 0.2561  6694.4
HA3     C3_P  C2_P      5     110.10  289.5328  0.2179  18853.104
HA3     C3_P  HA3        5     108.40  297.064  0.1802  4518.72
HA2   C2_P  C2_P     5     110.10  221.752   0.2179  18853.104
HA2   C2_P  HA2       5     109.00  297.064   0.1802  4518.72
C3_P  C2_P  HA2      5  110.10  289.5328  0.2179  18853.104
C2_P  C2_P  C2_P    5   113.60  488.2728  0.2561  9338.688

[ dihedraltypes ]
; i     j       k       l       func    phi0    cp              mult

;CT2    CT2     CT2     CT2     9       0.00    0.6276  1
;CT3    CT2     CT2     CT2     9       0.00    0.6276  1

C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.594128        5
C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.439320        4
C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       180     0.343088        3
C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.221752        2

C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.569024        5
C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.326352        4
C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       180     0.581576        3
C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0       0.347272        2

HA2   C2_P  C2_P  HA2   9       0.00    0.81588 3
C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  HA2   9       0.00  0.81588   3
HA2   C2_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0.00  0.81588   3

HA3   C3_P  C2_P  HA2   9       0.00    0.66944 3
HA3   C3_P  C2_P  C2_P  9       0.00    0.66944 3

Top file

; Topology file for hexane

#include "alkane_mod.itp"

[ moleculetype ]
;Name   nrexcl
Hexane  2

[ atoms ]
;nr     type    rsnr    resd    atom    cgnr     charge         mass
 1      C3_P    1       HEX     C1      1        0.934429842    12.011
 2      D_C3    1       HEX     D1      1       -1.111429842    0.0000
 3      HA3             1       HEX     H11     1        0.059          1.00800
 4      HA3             1       HEX     H12     1        0.059          1.00800 
 5      HA3            1        HEX     H13     1        0.059          1.00800

 6      C2_P    1       HEX     C2      2        0.8438924      12.011
 7      D_C2    1       HEX     D2      2       -0.9998924      0.0000
 8      HA2             1       HEX     H21     2        0.078          1.00800
 9      HA2             1       HEX     H22     2        0.078          1.00800

10      C2_P    1       HEX     C3      3       0.8438924               12.011
11      D_C2    1       HEX     D3      3       -0.9998924      0.0000
12      HA2             1       HEX     H31     3       0.078           1.00800
13      HA2             1       HEX     H32     3       0.078           1.00800

14      C2_P    1       HEX     C4      4       0.8438924               12.011
15      D_C2    1       HEX     D4      4       -0.9998924      0.0000
16      HA2             1       HEX     H41     4       0.078           1.00800
17      HA2             1       HEX     H42     4       0.078           1.00800

18      C2_P    1       HEX     C5      5       0.8438924               12.011
19      D_C2    1       HEX     D5      5       -0.9998924      0.0000
20      HA2             1       HEX     H51     5       0.078           1.00800
21      HA2             1       HEX     H52     5       0.078           1.00800

22      C3_P    1       HEX     C6      6       0.934429842     12.011
23      D_C3    1       HEX     D6      6       -1.111429842    0.0000
24      HA3             1       HEX     H61     6       0.059           1.00800
25      HA3             1       HEX     H62     6       0.059           1.00800
26      HA3             1       HEX     H63     6       0.059           1.00800

[ polarization ]
;i      j       type    alpha(nm^3)
1       2       1       2.051e-03
6       7       1       1.660e-03
10      11      1       1.660e-03
14      15      1       1.660e-03
18      19      1       1.660e-03
22      23      1       2.051e-03

[ thole_polarization ]
;ai     aj      func    a       alpha(ai)       alpha(aj)
1  2            6  7            2       2.6     2.051e-03       1.660e-03
1  2            10 11   2       2.6     2.051e-03       1.660e-03

6  7            10 11   2       2.6     1.660e-03       1.660e-03
6  7            14 15   2       2.6     1.660e-03       1.660e-03

10 11   14 15   2       2.6     1.660e-03       1.660e-03
10 11   18 19   2       2.6     1.660e-03       1.660e-03

14 15   18 19   2       2.6     1.660e-03       1.660e-03
14 15   22 23   2       2.6     1.660e-03       2.051e-03

18 19   22 23   2       2.6     1.660e-03       2.051e-03

[ bonds ]
;i      j       funct
1       3       1       
1       4       1       
1       5       1
1       6       1
6       8       1
6       9       1
6       10      1
10      12      1
10      13      1
10      14      1
14      16      1
14      17      1
14      18      1
18      20      1
18      21      1
18      22      1
22      24      1
22      25      1
22      26      1

; drude-portion
1       2       5
6       7       5
10      11      5
14      15      5
18      19      5
22      23      5

[ angles ]
;i      j       k       func
3       1       4       5
3       1       5       5
3       1       6       5

4       1       5       5       
4       1       6       5
5       1       6       5       

1       6       8       5
1       6       9       5       
1       6       10      5

8       6       9       5       
8       6       10      5
9       6       10      5       

6       10      12      5
6       10      13      5
6       10      14      5

12      10      13      5
12      10      14      5
13      10      14      5

10      14      16      5
10      14      17      5
10      14      18      5

16      14      17      5
16      14      18      5
17      14      18      5

14      18      20      5
14      18      21      5
14      18      22      5

20      18      21      5
20      18      22      5
21      18      22      5

18      22      24      5
18      22      25      5
18      22      26      5

24      22      25      5
24      22      26      5
25      22      26      5

[ dihedrals ]
; i     j       k       l       funct
3       1       6       8       9
3       1       6       9       9       
3       1       6       10      9

4       1       6       8       9
4       1       6       9       9
4       1       6       10      9

5       1       6       8       9
5       1       6       9       9
5       1       6       10      9

1       6       10      12      9
1       6       10      13      9
1       6       10      14      9

8       6       10      12      9
8       6       10      13      9
8       6       10      14      9

9       6       10      12      9
9       6       10      13      9
9       6       10      14      9

6       10      14      16      9
6       10      14      17      9
6       10      14      18      9

12      10      14      16      9
12      10      14      17      9
12      10      14      18      9

13      10      14      16      9
13      10      14      17      9
13      10      14      18      9

10      14      18      20      9
10      14      18      21      9
10      14      18      22      9

16      14      18      20      9
16      14      18      21      9
16      14      18      22      9

17      14      18      20      9
17      14      18      21      9
17      14      18      22      9

14      18      22      24      9
14      18      22      25      9
14      18      22      26      9

20      18      22      24      9
20      18      22      25      9
20      18      22      26      9

21      18      22      24      9
21      18      22      25      9
21      18      22      26      9

[ pairs ]
;i      j       funct
1       12      1
1       13      1
1       14      1
1       15      1       ; d-a (drude-atom pair interaction)
2       12      1       ; d-a
2       13      1       ; d-a
2       14      1       ; d-a
2       15      1       ; d-d (drude-drude pair interaction) ;

3       8       1
3       9       1
3       10      1
3       11      1       ; d-a

4       8       1
4       9       1       
4       10      1
4       11      1       ; d-a

5       8       1
5       9       1
5       10      1       
5       11      1       ; d-a

6       16      1
6       17      1
6       18      1
6       19      1       ; d-a
7       16      1       ; d-a
7       17      1       ; d-a
7       18      1       ; d-a
7       19      1       ; d-d (drude-drude pair interaction) ;

8       12      1
8       13      1
8       14      1
8       15      1       ; d-a

9       12      1
9       13      1
9       14      1
9       15      1       ; d-a

10      20      1
10      21      1
10      22      1
10      23      1       ; d-a
11      20      1       ; d-a
11      21      1       ; d-a
11      22      1       ; d-a
11      23      1       ; d-d   (drude-drude interaction) ;

12      16      1
12      17      1
12      18      1
12      19      1       ; d-a

13      16      1
13      17      1
13      18      1
13      19      1       ; d-a

14      24      1
14      25      1
14      26      1
15      24      1       ; d-a
15      25      1       ; d-a
15      26      1       ; d-a

16      20      1
16      21      1
16      22      1
16      23      1       ; d-a

17      20      1
17      21      1
17      22      1
17      23      1       ; d-a

20      24      1
20      25      1
20      26      1

21      24      1       
21      25      1
21      26      1

[ exclusions ]
1               3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      
2               3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      
11 ; drude
3               4       5       6       7
4               5       6       7
5              6        7

6               8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15
7               8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15 ; 
8               9       10      11
9               10      11

10              12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19
11              12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19 ; 
12              13      14      15
13              14      15

14              16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23
15              16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23 ; 
16              17      18      19
17              18      19

18              20      21      22      23      24      25      26
19              20      21      22      23      24      25      26
20              21      22      23
21              22      23

22              24      25      26
23              24      25      26

[ system ]
Drude-based hexane molecule

[ molecules ]
;Name   nr
Hexane  150
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