ahmet yıldırım wrote:
I think I need to edit the aminoacids.rtp file in gromos43a1.ff folder
as far as I understand from mailing list. I am using 43a1 forcefield. I
do not understand what kind of changes should I do.
You do not need to modify the .rtp file, you need to modify your coordinate
file, as I said before. The fatal error indicates that you have included a C
atom in an NH2 residue, which is just a neutral amine and contains no carbon, as
should be clear from the .rtp file.
*the aminoacids.rtp file:*
[ ACE ]
[ atoms ]
CA CH3 0.000 0
C C 0.380 1
O O -0.380 1
[ bonds ]
C CA gb_26
C O gb_4
C +N gb_9
[ angles ]
CA C O ga_30
CA C +N ga_18
O C +N ga_32
[ impropers ]
C CA +N O gi_1
[ NH2 ]
[ atoms ]
N NT -0.83 0
H1 H 0.415 0
H2 H 0.415 0
[ bonds ]
N H1 gb_2
N H2 gb_2
-C N gb_8
[ angles ]
-O -C N ga_32
-CA -C N ga_18
-C N H1 ga_22
-C N H2 ga_22
H1 N H2 ga_23
[ dihedrals ]
-CA -C N H1 gd_4
[ impropers ]
-C -O N -CA gi_1
N H1 H2 -C gi_1
[ ALA ]
[ atoms ]
N N -0.28000 0
H H 0.28000 0
CA CH1 0.00000 1
CB CH3 0.00000 1
C C 0.380 2
O O -0.380 2
[ bonds ]
N H gb_2
N CA gb_20
CA C gb_26
C O gb_4
C +N gb_9
CA CB gb_26
2011/1/21 Justin A. Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu <mailto:jalem...@vt.edu>>
ahmet yıldırım wrote:
Dear users,
Gromacs 4.5.3
pdb2gmx -f xxx.pdb -water spc
select Force Field:9
*Fatal error:*
atom C not found in buiding block 13NH2 while combining tdb and rtp
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
How can I fixed this error?
You have a carbon atom in a residue that should only contain NH2.
Refer to the .rtp file for what is expected, then make a suitable
structure that conforms to those requirements.
This has been asked and answered hundreds of times, so please make
use of the mailing list search. You would have gotten your answer
in minutes rather than hours.
Thanks in advance
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> | (540) 231-9080
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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