On 01/20/11, maria goranovic  <mariagorano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a protein whose topology I built using pdb2gmx with the -ss option and 
> the opls-aa force field. When I run grompp, the total charge on the protein 
> is reported as 2.9 (not 2.999). Why a non-zero charge? Does this have 
> something to do with the disulfide bridge?

Something is materially wrong, like mangled termini. Have a look at the 
resulting structure.

> Secondly, when I run a simulation of the same protein (7000 atoms) with 
> certain restraints in vacuum, the simulation runs very slow. I am wondering 
> why. I am not using particle decomposition. the box size is 50 x 50 x 50 nm. 
> Using 4.5.3

Have a look at the end of the .log file for some performance data. How are you 
assessing "very slow"?

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