Thanks! It really is. For the input cpt may have been overwritten before,
when I put it in mdrun again..

2010/12/17 Mark Abraham <>

> On 12/17/10, *Qin Qiao * <> wrote:
> Thanks!
> But still sth strange: I found the total energy is not identical between
> the last frame of the previous REMD and the first frame of the next REMD in
> one replica.
> last frame of the previous: 500.000000  -372343.906250
> first frame of the next:          0.000000  -361778.375000
> I wonder whether there's some problem and what caused it..
> OK, we'll need to see the exact sequence of commands that produced your
> observations, i.e. mdrun, then tpbconv, then mdrun. The fact that you're
> managing to get the time reset to zero indicates you've done something
> wrong. As a guess, you didn't use the right .cpt file with the second mdrun
> -cpi.
> My setting
> In the .mdp of the previous simulation, gen_vel was on; I didn't record the
> velocity by putting nstvout =0; I used xtcgrp = Protein.
> These don't matter.
> Mark
> Best
> Qin
> 2010/12/15 Justin A. Lemkul <>
>> Qin Qiao wrote:
>>> Dear Sir or Madam,
>>> I wonder how to continue a REMD running using .cpt file in Gromacs 4.5.1.
>>> Since I ran a REMD of 56 replicas, there are one cpt file for each replica..
>>> I couldn't do it by
>>> tpbconv -s previous.tpr -extend timetoextendby -o next.tpr
>>> mdrun -s next.tpr -cpi previous.cpt
>>> I guess it's not for an iterative line in the answer in
>>>, since
>>> the mdrun should run simultaneously.
>> The iterative approach Mark describes in that post is for the tpbconv
>> step. Simply extend all of your .tpr files to generate new ones (iterate
>> over all your .tpr files), then proceed with mdrun as you would normally,
>> making use of the -cpi feature.
>> -Justin
>>  Could you give some advice? Thanks.
>>> Best,
>>> Qin
>> --
>> ========================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul
>> Ph.D. Candidate
>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>> MILES-IGERT Trainee
>> Department of Biochemistry
>> Virginia Tech
>> Blacksburg, VA
>> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
>> ========================================
>> --
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