
I forward this discussion to the mailing list now because I think that it might 
be of interest to some people at least. Please find the mdp file of the GROMACS 
runs attached. To get the energies between GROMACS and CHARMM to match one has 
to do at least two things:
* make sure the molecular conformation is _exactly_ the same. I.e. the 
coordinates of the atoms should be identical (inclusive correct number of 
significant figures)
* run without cut-offs 

Pär Bjelkmar

Attachment: md.mdp
Description: Binary data

17 nov 2010 kl. 13.16 skrev Xin Chen:

> yes, I have done. But the potential calculated by these two methods differs 
> greatly. And the difference between the two is more than 10kj/mol. The CHARMM 
> calculation seems fine. 
> I guess that I set the parameters wrong in the mdp file during the GROMACS 
> calculation...
>> -----Original E-mail-----
>> From: "Pär Bjelkmar" <bjelk...@cbr.su.se>
>> Sent Time: 2010-11-17 16:18:18
>> To: "Xin Chen" <ch...@mail.ustc.edu.cn>
>> Cc: 
>> Subject: Re: Can I have the mdp file?
>> Hi,
>> I do not fully understand what you're trying to do. To reproduce Table 1 you 
>> need to run the program CHARMM as well as GROMACS, have you already done 
>> that?
>> /Pär
>> 17 nov 2010 kl. 03.24 skrev Xin Chen:
>>> Professor Bjelkmar:
>>>   hello, I've finished the article that you referred to me in your last 
>>> mail. It's quite helpful and thank you. But I have some trouble when I test 
>>> some amoni acid. The results couldn't get well with the table1 in the 
>>> article. I considered whether I caculated in the same way as you did, 
>>> especially the mdp options for Gromacs. 
>>>   So, can I have the mdp file when you make the table? The table is also 
>>> sent as an attachment.
>>>   Thank you and Best Wishes!
>>>                                                         Xin Chen
>>>                                                               2010.11.17
>>> <table1.bmp>

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