Have you watched the trajectory? That will show you what your pull group is doing. Is this a periodicity effect? It should be fairly obvious iff the sign of dX, etc flip-flops in the pullx.xvg file.


Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Thanks Chris and Justin

I do get the output I want from grompp(below). The distance of 5.507 nm
is the distance that I want to start with and I assume it is therefore
the equilibrium distance for the harmonic potential. The COM distances
from the simulations fluctuate around this value which is what I want,
although my histogram is the wrong shape.

Pull group  natoms  pbc atom  distance at start     reference at t=0
       0               84        42
1 84 126 5.507 5.507



chris.ne...@utoronto.ca wrote:
I missed that pull_start = yes, sorry. So Gavin, your run should have
stayed around the starting position. Make the histogram directly and
you should get a better idea.


-- original message --

To clarify, the tutorial sets "pull_init1 = 0" because it is used in
with "pull_start = yes," in order to take the starting COM distance as
reference.  Check the grompp output to verify that you're getting what
you think
you should be.  Otherwise, you'd have to set "pull_start = no" and
modify your
.mdp file to reflect the proper value of pull_init1 for every window.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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