As a follow-up, it appears that there are several problems with the CHARMM implementation. I will file a bugzilla with a few other things I found. There are a number of errors in the aminoacids.rtp file that cause problems. Most of all, I can't even get pdb2gmx to generate a CHARMM topology for lysozyme. If that fails, then we're in trouble :)


Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Sai Pooja wrote:
This probably is my ignorance but the error and the "bug" goes when I replaced CBX with NAC everywhere.

I would suggest filing a bugzilla. I was able to reproduce your problem. If nothing else, pdb2gmx should not be name-specific. Something very weird is going on. More troubling, the topology that pdb2gmx generated for me with NAC as the C-terminal cap had a broken net charge of +0.960 - it appears that pdb2gmx is adding double hydrogens to the backbone amides - both H and HN.

With the impending release of Gromacs 4.5, this could be a very problematic bug.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Sai Pooja < <>> wrote:

    1. I have only added entries in the .rtp files. Do I need to add
    them in .hdb and .tdb files too? Could I simply define a new
    terminal in the aminoacids.c.tdb file?

    For your reference:

    *Initial PDB file*
ATOM 1 C ACE 1 12.532 -0.094 26.546 1.00 2.10 FR1 C ATOM 2 O ACE 1 13.443 -0.213 25.696 1.00 1.60 FR1 O ATOM 3 CH3 ACE 1 12.782 -0.027 28.022 1.00 2.17 FR1 C ATOM 4 HH31 ACE 1 13.138 -0.995 28.375 1.00 2.17 FR1 H ATOM 5 HH32 ACE 1 11.856 0.230 28.537 1.00 2.17 FR1 H ATOM 6 HH33 ACE 1 13.535 0.733 28.228 1.00 2.17 FR1 H ATOM 7 N VAL 2 11.255 -0.021 26.193 1.00 1.60 FR1 N ATOM 8 CA VAL 2 10.854 -0.210 24.846 1.00 2.37 FR1 C ATOM 9 C VAL 2 11.022 1.197 24.222 1.00 2.10 FR1 C ATOM 10 O VAL 2 10.340 2.192 24.528 1.00 1.60 FR1 O ATOM 11 CB VAL 2 9.401 -0.679 24.711 1.00 2.37 FR1 C ATOM 12 CG1 VAL 2 9.113 -0.953 23.274 1.00 2.17 FR1 C ATOM 13 CG2 VAL 2 9.141 -1.946 25.547 1.00 2.17 FR1 C ATOM 14 H VAL 2 10.636 0.148 26.935 1.00 0.80 FR1 H ATOM 15 N GLN 3 12.113 1.241 23.470 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 16 H GLN 3 12.656 0.425 23.466 1.00 0.80 FR1 ATOM 17 CA GLN 3 12.533 2.509 22.812 1.00 2.37 FR1 ATOM 18 CB GLN 3 13.982 2.287 22.560 1.00 2.23 FR1 ATOM 19 CG GLN 3 14.807 3.474 22.166 1.00 2.23 FR1 ATOM 20 CD GLN 3 16.219 3.156 22.441 1.00 2.10 FR1 ATOM 21 OE1 GLN 3 16.635 2.341 23.295 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 22 NE2 GLN 3 17.095 3.710 21.642 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 23 HE21 GLN 3 18.031 3.421 21.665 1.00 0.80 FR1 ATOM 24 HE22 GLN 3 16.790 4.446 21.071 1.00 0.80 FR1 ATOM 25 C GLN 3 11.689 2.846 21.556 1.00 2.10 FR1 ATOM 26 O GLN 3 11.395 3.988 21.389 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 27 N LEU 4 11.403 1.872 20.676 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 28 H LEU 4 11.747 0.959 20.767 1.00 0.80 FR1 ATOM 29 CA LEU 4 10.606 2.121 19.473 1.00 2.37 FR1 ATOM 30 CB LEU 4 11.011 1.111 18.398 1.00 2.23 FR1 ATOM 31 CG LEU 4 12.501 1.073 18.020 1.00 2.37 FR1 ATOM 32 CD1 LEU 4 12.869 -0.185 17.207 1.00 2.17 FR1 ATOM 33 CD2 LEU 4 12.893 2.344 17.332 1.00 2.17 FR1 ATOM 34 C LEU 4 9.082 2.102 19.484 1.00 2.10 FR1 ATOM 35 O LEU 4 8.400 1.579 20.374 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 36 N CBX 5 8.609 2.722 18.430 1.00 1.60 FR1 ATOM 37 H CBX 5 9.198 3.338 17.946 1.00 0.80 FR1 ATOM 38 CH3 CBX 5 7.176 2.594 17.895 1.00 2.17 FR1 ATOM 39 HH31 CBX 5 6.785 1.605 18.135 1.00 2.17 FR1 H ATOM 40 HH32 CBX 5 7.178 2.732 16.814 1.00 2.17 FR1 H ATOM 41 HH33 CBX 5 6.547 3.355 18.357 1.00 2.17 FR1

    *Changes in .rtp file*
    [ ACE ]        [ atoms ]
            CH3     CT3     -0.270  0
            HH31    HA      0.090   0
            HH32    HA      0.090   0
            HH33    HA      0.090   0
            C       C       0.510   1
            O       O       -0.510  1
     [ bonds ]
            C       CH3
            C       +N
            CH3     HH31
            CH3     HH32
            CH3     HH33
            O       C
     [ impropers ]
            C       CH3     +N      O
    [ CBX ]
     [ atoms ]
N NH1 -0.470 1 HN H 0.310 1 CH3 CT3 -0.110 1 HH31 HA 0.090 1 HH32 HA 0.090 1 HH33 HA 0.090 1 [ bonds ]
           -C      N
           N       HN
           N       CH3
           CH3     HH31
           CH3     HH32
           CH3     HH33
     [ impropers ]
           N       -C      CH3     HN
           -C      CH3     N       -O

    pdb2gmx -f F1.pdb -q F1clean.pdb -nocmap -v -ss -ter -o work.gro -p

    *.gro file from pdb2gmx*
    1ACE    CH3    1   1.278  -0.003   2.802
        1ACE   HH31    2   1.314  -0.100   2.838
        1ACE   HH32    3   1.186   0.023   2.854
        1ACE   HH33    4   1.354   0.073   2.823
        1ACE      C    5   1.253  -0.009   2.655
        1ACE      O    6   1.344  -0.021   2.570
        2VAL      N    7   1.125  -0.002   2.619
        2VAL     HN    8   1.064   0.015   2.694
        2VAL     CA    9   1.085  -0.021   2.485
        2VAL     HA   10   1.142  -0.094   2.447
        2VAL     CB   11   0.940  -0.068   2.471
        2VAL     HB   12   0.879   0.005   2.503
        2VAL    CG1   13   0.911  -0.095   2.327
        2VAL   HG11   14   0.817  -0.126   2.318
        2VAL   HG12   15   0.925  -0.012   2.274
        2VAL   HG13   16   0.973  -0.167   2.294
        2VAL    CG2   17   0.914  -0.195   2.555
        2VAL   HG21   18   0.819  -0.223   2.544
        2VAL   HG22   19   0.974  -0.268   2.523
        2VAL   HG23   20   0.932  -0.175   2.651
        2VAL      C   21   1.102   0.120   2.422
        2VAL      O   22   1.034   0.219   2.453
        3GLN      N   23   1.211   0.124   2.347
        3GLN     HN   24   1.266   0.043   2.347
        3GLN     CA   25   1.253   0.251   2.281
        3GLN     HA   26   1.240   0.331   2.340
        3GLN     CB   27   1.398   0.229   2.256
        3GLN    HB1   28   1.437   0.191   2.340
        3GLN    HB2   29   1.406   0.161   2.183
        3GLN     CG   30   1.481   0.347   2.217
        3GLN    HG1   31   1.469   0.367   2.119
        3GLN    HG2   32   1.453   0.428   2.270
        3GLN     CD   33   1.622   0.316   2.244
        3GLN    OE1   34   1.663   0.234   2.329
        3GLN    NE2   35   1.709   0.371   2.164
        3GLN   HE21   36   1.803   0.342   2.167
        3GLN   HE22   37   1.679   0.445   2.107
        3GLN      C   38   1.169   0.285   2.156
        3GLN      O   39   1.140   0.399   2.139
        4LEU      N   40   1.140   0.187   2.068
        4LEU     HN   41   1.175   0.096   2.077
        4LEU     CA   42   1.061   0.212   1.947
        4LEU     HA   43   1.085   0.309   1.937
        4LEU     CB   44   1.101   0.111   1.840
        4LEU    HB1   45   1.076   0.020   1.873
        4LEU    HB2   46   1.049   0.133   1.757
        4LEU     CG   47   1.250   0.107   1.802
    4LEU     HG   48   1.305   0.103   1.886
        4LEU    CD1   49   1.287  -0.019   1.721
        4LEU   HD11   50   1.384  -0.017   1.699
        4LEU   HD12   51   1.267  -0.100   1.775
        4LEU   HD13   52   1.234  -0.020   1.636
        4LEU    CD2   53   1.289   0.234   1.733
        4LEU   HD21   54   1.386   0.231   1.709
        4LEU   HD22   55   1.235   0.246   1.650
        4LEU   HD23   56   1.273   0.312   1.794
        4LEU      C   57   0.908   0.210   1.948
        4LEU    OT1   58   0.840   0.158   2.037
        4LEU    OT2   59   0.845   0.235   1.830
        4LEU    HT2   60   0.746   0.231   1.844
        5CBX      N   61   0.861   0.272   1.843
        5CBX     HN   62   0.920   0.334   1.795
        5CBX    CH3   63   0.718   0.259   1.789
        5CBX   HH31   64   0.678   0.161   1.814
        5CBX   HH32   65   0.718   0.273   1.681
        5CBX   HH33   66   0.655   0.336   1.836
       1.14840   0.71270   1.21755

    *PDB file from pdb2gmx using -q option*

    TITLE     Gromacs Runs On Most of All Computer Systems
    MODEL        1
ATOM 1 C ACE 1 12.532 -0.094 26.546 1.00 2.10 C ATOM 2 O ACE 1 13.443 -0.213 25.696 1.00 1.60 O ATOM 3 CH3 ACE 1 12.782 -0.027 28.022 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 4 1HH3 ACE 1 13.138 -0.995 28.375 1.00 2.17 H ATOM 5 2HH3 ACE 1 11.856 0.230 28.537 1.00 2.17 H ATOM 6 3HH3 ACE 1 13.535 0.733 28.228 1.00 2.17 H ATOM 7 N VAL 2 11.255 -0.021 26.193 1.00 1.60 N ATOM 8 CA VAL 2 10.854 -0.210 24.846 1.00 2.37 C ATOM 9 C VAL 2 11.022 1.197 24.222 1.00 2.10 C ATOM 10 O VAL 2 10.340 2.192 24.528 1.00 1.60 O ATOM 11 CB VAL 2 9.401 -0.679 24.711 1.00 2.37 C ATOM 12 CG1 VAL 2 9.113 -0.953 23.274 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 13 CG2 VAL 2 9.141 -1.946 25.547 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 14 H VAL 2 10.636 0.148 26.935 1.00 0.80 H ATOM 15 N GLN 3 12.113 1.241 23.470 1.00 1.60 N ATOM 16 H GLN 3 12.656 0.425 23.466 1.00 0.80 H ATOM 17 CA GLN 3 12.533 2.509 22.812 1.00 2.37 C ATOM 18 CB GLN 3 13.982 2.287 22.560 1.00 2.23 C ATOM 19 CG GLN 3 14.807 3.474 22.166 1.00 2.23 C ATOM 20 CD GLN 3 16.219 3.156 22.441 1.00 2.10 C ATOM 21 OE1 GLN 3 16.635 2.341 23.295 1.00 1.60 O ATOM 22 NE2 GLN 3 17.095 3.710 21.642 1.00 1.60 N ATOM 23 1HE2 GLN 3 18.031 3.421 21.665 1.00 0.80 HE ATOM 24 2HE2 GLN 3 16.790 4.446 21.071 1.00 0.80 HE ATOM 25 C GLN 3 11.689 2.846 21.556 1.00 2.10 C ATOM 26 O GLN 3 11.395 3.988 21.389 1.00 1.60 O ATOM 27 N LEU 4 11.403 1.872 20.676 1.00 1.60 N ATOM 28 H LEU 4 11.747 0.959 20.767 1.00 0.80 H ATOM 29 CA LEU 4 10.606 2.121 19.473 1.00 2.37 C ATOM 30 CB LEU 4 11.011 1.111 18.398 1.00 2.23 C ATOM 31 CG LEU 4 12.501 1.073 18.020 1.00 2.37 C ATOM 32 CD1 LEU 4 12.869 -0.185 17.207 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 33 CD2 LEU 4 12.893 2.344 17.332 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 34 C LEU 4 9.082 2.102 19.484 1.00 2.10 C ATOM 35 O LEU 4 8.400 1.579 20.374 1.00 1.60 O ATOM 36 N CBX 5 8.609 2.722 18.430 1.00 1.60 N ATOM 37 H CBX 5 9.198 3.338 17.946 1.00 0.80 H ATOM 38 CH3 CBX 5 7.176 2.594 17.895 1.00 2.17 C ATOM 39 1HH3 CBX 5 6.785 1.605 18.135 1.00 2.17 H ATOM 40 2HH3 CBX 5 7.178 2.732 16.814 1.00 2.17 H ATOM 41 3HH3 CBX 5 6.547 3.355 18.357 1.00 2.17 H

    These files were generated using the option -COOH for C terminal.
    *However, if "none" is chosen, I get the error:*

    Fatal error:
      There is a dangling bond at at least one of the terminal ends.
      Select a proper terminal entry.
      For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
I have used Mark's definitions for capping residues in the rtp file.


    On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <
    <>> wrote:

        Sai Pooja wrote:

            I checked again and the error does not go. Please read the
            steps below.

            The pdb file I started off with did not have any hydrogens.
            However, the way I had specified the capping residues in the
            .rtp file (SEE MARK'S MAIL), I had to specify hydrogens in
            the pdb file for the capping residues. So I used pymol to
            add hydrogens to my pdb file. I then used this file with
            charmm force field. However, pymol had added hydrogens
            everywhere and this was different from the definition of the
            standard residues defined in the .rtp file. I could not
            directly use -ignh because I needed the hydrogens for the
            capping residues. So I created a file that contained the
            hydrogens on the capping residues only. This resolved the
            error related to hydrogens.

        Probably an easier and more reliable approach would simply be to
        create an .hdb entry for your capping groups.

            Error-from previous mail-NOT RESOLVED
            (Fatal error:
There is a dangling bond at at least one of the terminal ends.
              Select a proper terminal entry.
              For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please
            check the
               I have used Mark's definitions for capping residues in
            the rtp file.

In the pdb file, this is what the capping residues look like:

              ATOM     33  N   CBX     5       8.609   2.722  18.430
             1.00  1.60         FR1
              ATOM     34  H   CBX     5       9.198   3.338  17.946
             1.00  0.80         FR1
              ATOM     35 CH3  CBX     5       7.176   2.594  17.895
             1.00  2.17         FR1

        Maybe this is just showing up incorrectly in my mail client, but
        I wonder if that CH3 is somehow misaligned and therefore not
        correctly identified.  I presume that you changed the residue
        name in the .rtp file accordingly?  I suppose the error message
        would be different (something like "residue not found") but I
        just want to make sure.  Mark's entry used NAC.

              ATOM      1  CH3 ACE     1      12.782  -0.027  28.022
             1.00  2.17         FR1
              ATOM      2  C   ACE     1      12.532  -0.094  26.546
             1.00  2.10         FR1
              ATOM      3  O   ACE     1      13.443  -0.213  25.696
             1.00  1.60         FR1 )

            The error stated in the previous mail(quoted above) occurred
            when I chose "none" for the both terminals or the carboxylic
            terminal option (using -ter). It worked fine if I chose
            "none" at the N terminal and any other option except "none"
            at the carboxylic acid terminal. So I chose "none" at N
            terminal and some option randomly at the carboxylic acid
            terminal. As expected, it adds a terminal at that end of the
            residue before my capping residue which is something I DONT
            want. I

        So does pdb2gmx somehow add the C-terminal cap after the
        carboxylate terminus?

            havent been able to find a way around it. Interestingly,
            when I generate a pdb file using -q, and open that pdb file
            in pymol, I dont get the terminal carboxylic acid that
            pdb2gmx gives in the .gro file.

        So the cap is applied properly in that structure?

            I am not sure how to correct this. One way would be to
            remove those entries from the final .gro and .top file but
            not sure if that would be right.

        This all sounds very fishy.  This may be worth a bugzilla entry,
        but only if you can build the structure in a very sound way,
        probably using .hdb entries (or an appropriate all-atom
        structure, which you've yet to demonstrate).



            On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Justin A. Lemkul
            < <>
            < <>>> wrote:

               Sai Pooja wrote:

                   Follow-up. It is easy to make it work. Just needed to
            be more
                   rigorous. Thank you.

               It would be helpful if you describe what you mean.  This
               message is new to me, and appears to reflect new
            mechanics in the
               upcoming Gromacs release.  If you describe what the
            problem was, how
               you resolved it, what your pdb2gmx command line was, and
               else that might be useful, that would likely help others
            solve this
               issue in the future.


                   On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Sai Pooja
            < <>
            <>> <

            <>>>> wrote:

                      I used -ter option and selected "none" for both
            terminal ends
                   but I
                      still get this error:

                      Fatal error:
                      There is a dangling bond at at least one of the
            terminal ends.
                      Select a proper terminal entry.
                      For more information and tips for troubleshooting,
                   check the
                       I have used Mark's definitions for capping
            residues in the
                   rtp file.

                      In the pdb file, this is what the capping residues
            look like:

                      ATOM     33  N   CBX     5       8.609   2.722
             18.430  1.00
                    1.60         FR1
                      ATOM     34  H   CBX     5       9.198   3.338
             17.946  1.00
                    0.80         FR1
                      ATOM     35 CH3  CBX     5       7.176   2.594
             17.895  1.00
                    2.17         FR1

                      ATOM      1  CH3 ACE     1      12.782  -0.027
             28.022  1.00
                    2.17         FR1
                      ATOM      2  C   ACE     1      12.532  -0.094
             26.546  1.00
                    2.10         FR1
                      ATOM      3  O   ACE     1      13.443  -0.213
             25.696  1.00
                    1.60         FR1

                      On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Justin A. Lemkul
                   < <>
            < <>>
                      < <>
            < <>>>> wrote:

                          Sai Pooja wrote:

                              Thanks Marks. I tried it but this is what
            I get:

                              Fatal error:
atom N not found in buiding block 1ACE while
                   combining tdb
                              and rtp
                              For more information and tips for
            troubleshooting, please
                              check the GROMACS
                              website at

                              Do I need to edit the aminoacids.n.tdb
            file as well?

What are you choosing as your termini when running
                   pdb2gmx?  It
                          should be "none," since by capping, you are
            not choosing a
                          protonation state for the N- and C-termini.



On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Mark Abraham
< <>
            <>>>>> wrote:

                                 ----- Original Message -----
                                 From: Sai Pooja <
< <>>
            <>>> <
< <>>
            <> <
                                 Date: Friday, July 2, 2010 7:28
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Capping residues
            <> <
                   < <>
            < <>>>
            <> <
                   < <>
            < <>>>>,
                              Discussion list for
                                 GROMACS users <
            < <>



                                  > I am sorry if I did not frame the
                              but putting
                                 it very simply, is there a way to use
            capping residues
                              with the
                                 charmm forcefield if the residues are
            --COCH3 and

                                 Yes - you edit a copy of the .rtp file
            in your working
                              directory and
                                 add whatever you want. Here's what I
            use in CHARMM

                                 [ ACE ]
                                  [ atoms ]
                                         CH3     CT3     -0.270  0
                                         HH31    HA      0.090   0
                                         HH32    HA      0.090   0
                                         HH33    HA      0.090   0
                                         C       C       0.510   1
                                         O       O       -0.510  1
                                  [ bonds ]
                                         C       CH3
                                         C       +N
                                         CH3     HH31
                                         CH3     HH32
                                         CH3     HH33
                                         O       C
                                  [ impropers ]
                                         C       CH3     +N      O

                                 [ NAC ]
                                  [ atoms ]
                                        N       NH1     -0.470  1
                                        HN      H       0.310   1
                                        CH3     CT3     -0.110  1
                                        HH31    HA      0.090   1
                                        HH32    HA      0.090   1
                                        HH33    HA      0.090   1
                                  [ bonds ]
                                        -C      N
                                        N       HN
                                        N       CH3
                                        CH3     HH31
                                        CH3     HH32
                                        CH3     HH33

                                  [ impropers ]
                                        N       -C      CH3     HN
                                        -C      CH3     N       -O

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                              --             Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek
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-- ========================================

                          Justin A. Lemkul
                          Ph.D. Candidate
                          ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
                          MILES-IGERT Trainee
                          Department of Biochemistry
                          Virginia Tech
                          Blacksburg, VA
                          jalemkul[at] <>
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               Justin A. Lemkul
               Ph.D. Candidate
               ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
               MILES-IGERT Trainee
               Department of Biochemistry
               Virginia Tech
               Blacksburg, VA
               jalemkul[at] <> <> |
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        --         ========================================

        Justin A. Lemkul
        Ph.D. Candidate
        ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
        MILES-IGERT Trainee
        Department of Biochemistry
        Virginia Tech
        Blacksburg, VA
        jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080

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Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek and you shall discover.


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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