Hello Justin,

Thanks for the reply.
Sorry to say but I chose the GROMOS force field as for that topology of the 
ligands could be prepared by PRODRG and I followed tutorials available for 
Gromacs and most of them used GROMOS forcefield and for starting, parameters 
used in the tutorials helped me to create .mdp file  for my problem.
I may be wrong in such choice of forefield.
I tried yesterday installing Amber utility for gromacs but when I tried  to 
generate topology of protein with Mangnese, It was giving same error as Mn is 
not present in its database as also mentioned in the following website 
Any help ?
I am really thankful to you for ur time and patience.

onetwo wrote:
> Thanks Justin for the help,
> I have Manganese in my protein with other two ligands at the active site.
> I am using GROMOS96 43a1 force field.
> Mangnese may have topology similar to Magnesium 2+, What I found is that

Assuming a transition metal "may" be similar to another species is probably a 
pretty poor assumption.  Prepare for lots of criticism if you proceed with that 

> I need to do changes in ffG43a1.rtp and ffG43a1nb.itp. But how should I 
> calculate the nonbond_params for ffG43a1nb.itp.

Refer to the other GROMOS papers for how they derive parameters for small 
molecules.  I've never seen a demonstration of transition metal 
parameterization under these force fields, though.  Perhaps you should be using 
an AMBER force field that contains Mn2+.  Any particular reason you think you 
need GROMOS?

> For both the other two ligands which contains phosphate and enol groups, I 
> was able to create topology using PRODRG server.

Please pay careful attention to the second paragraph here:



> Regards
> onetwo wrote:
>  > Hello All,
>  >
>  > I am new in this field, and I want to do simulation study on one of the 
> protein conatining a metal ion and study its ability to form co-oridnation 
> bond with other ligand, which is not defined in GROMOS force field which I 
> have tried. If this choice of force field is correct for such type of study ?
>  >
>  > I have read Gromacs Manual Chapter 5, also I am following this gromacs 
> mailing list for quite some time to get a help on how to include a new metal 
> ion or a new ligand in their simulation and they have been refered to refer 
> to the http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Parameterization,
>  >
>  > but in this its not mentioned that how to actually do parameterization
>  >
>  > neither in manual it has been told on how to generate it ( due 
> apologies,,I know, I may be wrong )
>  >
> The manual will not cover every possible topic. Parameterization is described 
> in the primary literature for the force field you wish you use. "GROMOS" is 
> not very specific - there are numerous parameter sets within this class of 
> force field.
>  > and it is more difficult for a person like me who doesnt have much 
> knowledge in this field, so if someone can please help me guiding how to do 
> parameterisation, I know this is not a trivial task, but still help in this 
> regard may help many other fellow users besides me.
> Aside from telling you to read all the literature you can, there's not much 
> more help anyone can do to help you. You haven't described very well what 
> your system is. What kind of functional groups are in your ligand? If the 
> functional groups are shared with existing parameters, then you'll have a 
> rather easy time constructing a topology. What type of metal ion is it? If 
> you're dealing with a transition metal, using a standard MM force field may 
> not work very well. Note the "Exotic Species" heading on the page you quoted 
> above.
> -Justin
>  > Thanks in advance
>  >
>  >
> -- ========================================
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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