Moeed wrote:
Hello Justin,
I created structure file for a 4-carbon repeating unit as follows:
HETATM 1 CAA DRG 1 14.260 -4.270 0.000 1.00
20.00 C
HETATM 2 1HAA DRG 1 14.175 -3.426 0.530 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 3 2HAA DRG 1 15.050 -4.790 0.326 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 4 3HAA DRG 1 14.385 -4.045 -0.966 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 5 CAB DRG 1 12.990 -5.110 0.170 1.00
20.00 C
HETATM 6 1HAB DRG 1 12.205 -4.581 -0.153 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 7 2HAB DRG 1 12.871 -5.326 1.139 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 8 CAC DRG 1 13.070 -6.410 -0.620 1.00
20.00 C
HETATM 9 1HAC DRG 1 13.855 -6.939 -0.297 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 10 2HAC DRG 1 13.189 -6.194 -1.589 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 11 CAD DRG 1 11.800 -7.250 -0.450 1.00
20.00 C
HETATM 12 1HAD DRG 1 11.885 -8.094 -0.980 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 13 2HAD DRG 1 11.675 -7.475 0.516 1.00
20.00 H
HETATM 14 3HAD DRG 1 11.010 -6.730 -0.776 1.00
20.00 H
I renamed the atoms and removed one hydrogen atoms from both ends to get
repeating unit. CH2CH2,
1- I am not able to produce the repeating unit C2H4 in PRODRG. It adds
the third H automatically. I dont know anyother way but removing the
third H from structure file by hand..
Then I mesaured the C1 To C4 distance which is 0.388 A.
editconf -f prodrg.pdb -o prodrg.gro -box 0.388 -bt cubic
1DRG C1 1 0.208 0.006 0.242
1DRG H11 2 0.158 0.010 0.328
1DRG H12 3 0.149 -0.030 0.170
1DRG C2 4 0.255 0.148 0.203
1DRG H21 5 0.305 0.143 0.116
1DRG H22 6 0.314 0.184 0.274
1DRG C3 7 0.133 0.240 0.186
1DRG H31 8 0.083 0.245 0.272
1DRG H32 9 0.074 0.204 0.114
1DRG C4 10 0.179 0.382 0.147
1DRG H41 11 0.239 0.418 0.218
1DRG H42 12 0.230 0.378 0.060
0.38800 0.38800 0.38800
then : genconf -f prodrg.gro -o rep.gro -nbox 1 5 1
2- The problem here is that one CH2 unit with 2 H atoms is falling on
the next repeating unit in the next box. i.e 4 H atoms and C atoms are
overlapping... as shown below:
H H H *H H* H H H
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
H H H *H H* H H H
Do you think I should use -d option?
As I've said twice now, use either -box or -d to set an appropriately-sized unit
cell. If you've measured a C...C distance of 0.388 nm, you've left no space for
the bond that will occur to the next unit, so naturally you're seeing overlap.
You've simply made your box too small.
Please guide me..
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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