Hi I used amber03 force field in gromacs to study pr-dna interaction. I compare my pdb file and ffamber03.rtp file. I should correct my pdb file to tally with rtp file. N-terminal (NUMBER 1) and C-terminal (NUMBER 70) of my protein is GLY. pdb file and rtp file relating to gly1 and gly70 are placed in follow.
pdb file of gly1: 1 N NGLY 1 2 CA NGLY 1 3 C NGLY 1 4 O NGLY 1 5 1H NGLY 1 6 2HA NGLY 1 7 2H NGLY 1 8 3H NGLY 1 9 1HA NGLY 1 rtp file of gly1: [ NGLY ] [ atoms ] N amber99_39 0.29430 1 H1 amber99_17 0.16420 2 H2 amber99_17 0.16420 3 H3 amber99_17 0.16420 4 CA amber99_11 -0.01000 5 HA1 amber99_28 0.08950 6 HA2 amber99_28 0.08950 7 C amber99_2 0.61630 8 O amber99_41 -0.57220 9 pdb file of gly70: 1 N CGLY A 70 2 CA CGLY A 70 3 C CGLY A 70 4 O CGLY A 70 5 H CGLY A 70 6 2HA CGLY A 70 7 1HA CGLY A 70 8 OXT CGLY A 70 9 CGLY A 70 rtp file of gly70: [ CGLY ] [ atoms ] N amber99_34 -0.38210 1 H amber99_17 0.26810 2 CA amber99_11 -0.24930 3 HA1 amber99_19 0.10560 4 HA2 amber99_19 0.10560 5 C amber99_2 0.72310 6 OC1 amber99_45 -0.78550 7 OC2 amber99_45 -0.78550 8 before correction of pdb file, following warning and error was came up: *WARNING: atom H is missing in residue GLY 1 in the pdb file You might need to add atom H to the hydrogen database of residue GLY in the file ff???.hdb (see the manual) * *Fatal error: There were 1 missing atoms in molecule Protein_A, if you want to use this incomplete topology anyhow, use the option -missing * ffamber03.hdb: * * NGLY 2 3 4 H N CA C 2 6 HA CA N C I didn't use -missing option. please guide me.
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