mail-vtanchuk wrote:
Dear GMX'ers,
Is there any reliable way of making an itp file for an arbitrary structure? AFAIK there are two ways: 1) The Dundee PRODRG server. This is really a nice tool, but it always gives the same protonation states. COOH always becomes COO- and NH2 becomes NH3+.

You can control the protonation state.  See the PRODRG FAQ.

2) x2top. This utility hangs with my rather simple structure. The structure is attached below. This is a file created by SwissPDB. It contains hydrogens and connections. Nevertheless x2top ignores this information and hanges (at least gives no result in 40 min).

It depends on the version of x2top you're using, but if you use the -nopbc option with version 4.0.5, it doesn't hang.

Otherwise, there are a number of topology-generating tools on the User Contributions section of the Gromacs site.


So, the question is how to make an itp file with predefined protonation (e.g. COOH and NH2 groups).

Here is a pdb file
REMARK    File generated by Swiss-PdbViewer  3.70b15
HETATM    1  C1  PDR     1      43.433  46.174  18.374  1.00  0.00
HETATM    2  C2  PDR     1      42.232  46.505  18.873  1.00  0.00
HETATM    3  C3  PDR     1      41.148  45.500  19.008  1.00  0.00
HETATM    4  C4  PDR     1      41.322  44.220  18.637  1.00  0.00
HETATM    5  C5  PDR     1      43.713  44.783  17.941  1.00  0.00
HETATM    6  C6  PDR     1      42.617  43.776  18.072  1.00  0.00
HETATM    7  C7  PDR     1      42.814  42.509  17.658  1.00  0.00
HETATM    8  C8  PDR     1      44.112  42.120  17.056  1.00  0.00
HETATM    9  C9  PDR     1      45.096  43.026  16.934  1.00  0.00
HETATM   10  C10 PDR     1      44.906  44.416  17.421  1.00  0.00
HETATM   11  O11 PDR     1      45.923  45.378  17.183  1.00  0.00
HETATM   12  C12 PDR     1      46.990  45.244  18.162  1.00  0.00
HETATM   13  C13 PDR     1      48.059  46.309  17.874  1.00  0.00
HETATM   14  O14 PDR     1      47.658  47.553  18.487  1.00  0.00
HETATM   15  C15 PDR     1      49.462  45.937  18.365  1.00  0.00
HETATM   16  N16 PDR     1      50.433  46.887  17.760  1.00  0.00
HETATM   17  C17 PDR     1      51.853  46.544  17.977  1.00  0.00
HETATM   18  C18 PDR     1      52.609  47.864  18.047  1.00  0.00
HETATM   19  C19 PDR     1      52.323  45.695  16.799  1.00  0.00
HETATM   20  H20 PDR     1      44.210  46.934  18.283  1.00  0.00
HETATM   21  H21 PDR     1      42.045  47.532  19.182  1.00  0.00
HETATM   22  H22 PDR     1      40.189  45.815  19.415  1.00  0.00
HETATM   23  H23 PDR     1      40.502  43.512  18.747  1.00  0.00
HETATM   24  H24 PDR     1      42.022  41.768  17.745  1.00  0.00
HETATM   25  H25 PDR     1      44.262  41.102  16.703  1.00  0.00
HETATM   26  H26 PDR     1      46.043  42.752  16.477  1.00  0.00
HETATM   27  H27 PDR     1      46.604  45.386  19.200  1.00  0.00
HETATM   28  H28 PDR     1      47.445  44.230  18.086  1.00  0.00
HETATM   29  H29 PDR     1      48.112  46.449  16.767  1.00  0.00
HETATM   30  H30 PDR     1      46.667  47.789  18.307  1.00  0.00
HETATM   31  H31 PDR     1      49.482  46.012  19.479  1.00  0.00
HETATM   32  H32 PDR     1      49.703  44.893  18.063  1.00  0.00
HETATM   33  H33 PDR     1      50.059  47.894  17.760  1.00  0.00
HETATM   34  H34 PDR     1      52.006  45.989  18.938  1.00  0.00
HETATM   35  H35 PDR     1      52.229  48.461  18.906  1.00  0.00
HETATM   36  H36 PDR     1      53.699  47.688  18.188  1.00  0.00
HETATM   37  H37 PDR     1      52.451  48.451  17.115  1.00  0.00
HETATM   38  H38 PDR     1      51.808  44.708  16.822  1.00  0.00
HETATM   39  H39 PDR     1      52.067  46.197  15.838  1.00  0.00
HETATM   40  H40 PDR     1      53.421  45.523  16.846  1.00  0.00
CONECT 1 2 5 20 CONECT 2 3 21 CONECT 3 4 22 CONECT 4 6 23 CONECT 5 6 10 CONECT 6 7 CONECT 7 8 24 CONECT 8 9 25 CONECT 9 10 26 CONECT 10 11 CONECT 11 12 CONECT 12 13 27 28 CONECT 13 14 15 29 CONECT 14 30 CONECT 15 16 31 32 CONECT 16 17 33 CONECT 17 18 19 34 CONECT 18 35 36 37 CONECT 19 38 39 40 SPDBVT 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
SPDBVT        0.0000000000         1.0000000000         0.0000000000
SPDBVT        0.0000000000         0.0000000000         1.0000000000
SPDBVT        0.0000000000         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
SPDBVT        0.0000000000         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
SPDBVV default;
SPDBVV     45.752312478050    1769.439927720726      20.000000000000
SPDBVV        0.8492806468         0.0177824961         0.5276420811
SPDBVV        0.4171748744         0.5899083148        -0.6913561342
SPDBVV       -0.3235544887         0.8072744038         0.4935793046
SPDBVV       46.9440002441        44.7815017700        17.6585006714
SPDBVV        0.0000000000         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
SPDBVl 1.00 1.00 1.00
SPDBVb 0.00 0.00 0.00
I have also tried the same file without numbers in atom names and without connections. Any help will be hightly appreciated. Sincerely yours,
V. Tanchuk


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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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