Dear All:

I want do some free energy calculation by LIE method. I read the "GROMACS Tutorial for Drug ? Enzyme Complex" carefully and know the method in gromacs to do free energy calculatin by LIE method. However I found the following words at the end of the tutorial: "In this tutorial, we used PME and full periodic boundary conditions. Performing LIE computations with PME requires additional work to account for the longrange contribution. This takes a lot of work! We recommend using NVT ensemble using a water shell with cutoffs or Shift."

Does anyone can tell me what additional work do I need to do if I want to calculate free energy by LIE method when I used PME in my simulation. Or, dose anyone know how to using a water shell in gromacs simulation, inorder to do free energy calculation by LIE method in a right way?

     Thank you in advance.

                                           R-X  Gu

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