XAvier Periole wrote:


Anyone knows which parameterization of the Karplus equation
is implemented in g_chi ?

Hm, I'm surprised to see this isn't in the source code with a please_cite call. My bad, this is at least one of them.

@Article{ Vuister93,
  author =       "G. W. Vuister and A. Bax",
  title =        "Quantitative {J} Correlation: A New Approach for
                  Measuring Homonuclear Three-Bond
                  {J(H$^N$-H$^{\alpha}$)} Coupling Constants in
                  {$^{15}$N}-Enriched Proteins",
  journal =      BTjacs,
  year =         1993,
  volume =       115,
  pages =        "7772-7777"
Smith, L.J., Sutcliffe, M.J., Redfield, C., and Dobson, C.M. 1991.
Analysis of φ and χ1 torsion angles for hen lysozyme in solution
from 1H NMR spin–spin coupling constants. Biochemistry, 30:

@Article{ LSmith96,
  author =       "L. J. Smith and K. A. Bolin and H. Schwalbe and
                  M. W. Mac{A}rthur and J. M. Thornton and
                  C. M. Dobson",
  title =        "Analysis of Main Chain Torsion Angles in Proteins:
                  Prediction of {NMR} Coupling Constants for Native
                  and Random Coil Conformations",
  journal =      BTjmb,
  year =         1996,
  volume =       255,
  pages =        "494-506"


XAvier Periole
University of Groningen
The Netherlands
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