Chih-Ying Lin wrote:
Does the Gromacs only recognize the residues in the
pdb file?

No... but pdb2gmx will only build a topology in an automated fashion if the residues are present in its databases.

If they are not the standard amino acids in the library, Gromacs can't
read, right???

A force field can potentially simulate species that are not present in the GROMACS .rtp database for that force field. See and the links thereon.

You sound like you could benefit from some thorough reading of background material - like a textbook or the early chapters of the GROMACS manual. The donated time of users on this mailing list doesn't serve as a replacement for your time reading such reference material.

Or, how does the Gromacs simulate the organic molecule?

Chapter 5 of the GROMACS manual has a partial example here.

The command pdb2gmx could not produce the top and the gro file.
Instead, it shows that   " File input/output error:   "

Well that means you made a file input/output error. You made another error in expecting us to guess what it was you did wrong. As I wrote here just yesterday to another user, you need to be much more specific to actually get useful help. See

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