Dear GROMACS users, I am running a NPT simulation of a 28 residue protein in a truncated dodecahedron box of TIP4P water at 300K and 1bar. The force field is OPLSAA 2001. The system ran fine for 55.5 ns and then it crashed due to an exploding box. As the box was exploding, the potential energy increased from -209 kJ to -204 kJ, the box volume went from 150 to 223, the pressure shot up to 897 bar from an average of 1bar, the temperature increased from 300K to 317 K, and the total energy increased from -171 kJ to -164 kJ.
>From reading the mailing archive, perhaps changing tau_p from 1.0 to 10.0 or 20.0 may solve the problem. Can anyone else please provide suggestions? Others exploding box problems documented in the mailing archive seem to occur early in the simulation and not after 55.5 ns. It troubles me that the system ran fine for 55.5 ns before crashing. Starting at time point 41.2 ns, "Correcting invalid box:" messages start to appear but that's harmless according to various posting in the mailing list. This is how I generated my box: editconf -f Pro8.gro -o Pro8.gro -d 1.2 -bt dodecahedron genbox -cp Pro8.gro -cs tip4p.gro -o Pro8_b4em.gro -p I am using gromacs 3.3.1 I have provided a snippet of the log that warns of exploding box and my mdp file. Correcting invalid box: old box (3x3): old box[ 0]={ 7.11699e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} old box[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 7.11699e+00, 0.00000e+00} old box[ 2]={ 3.56227e+00, -3.55472e+00, 4.98818e+00} new box (3x3): new box[ 0]={ 7.11699e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00} new box[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 7.11699e+00, 0.00000e+00} new box[ 2]={-3.55472e+00, -3.55472e+00, 4.98818e+00} Grid: 14 x 14 x 10 cells WARNING: your box is exploding! (ncells = 1960) Step Time Lambda 27750000 55500.00391 0.00000 Below is my mdp file title = Pro cpp = /lib/cpp integrator = md dt = 0.002 nsteps = 150000000 ; 300ns nstxout = 10000 nstvout = 10000 nstlog = 10000 nstenergy = 10000 nstxtcout = 1000 nstcomm = 1 comm_grps = Protein xtc_grps = protein energygrps = protein CL- SOL ns_type = grid coulombtype = pme nstlist = 10 rlist = 1.0 rvdw = 1.0 optimize_fft = yes tcoupl = berendsen tc-grps = protein SOL CL- tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 ref_t = 300 300 300 Pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman tau_p = 1.0 compressibility = 4.5e-5 ref_p = 1.0 gen_vel = yes gen_temp = 300 gen_seed = -1 constraints = hbonds Thank you, JW -- JW Feng Ph.D. Candidate Center for Computational Biology Washington University in St. Louis _______________________________________________ gmx-users mailing list Please search the archive at before posting! Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't post? Read