


(and optionally issue a 'make' in the xtc directory after unpacking)

in the linking stage, use something like

ifort -blabla -lxdrf -L/wherever/xtc -lg2c

your smalll test code looks OK apart from the fact that I don't know what
happens if you read&write from the same file.


On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Jones de Andrade wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm writing this beucase I'm having terrible problems in trying to deal with
> gromacs trajectory files with my own programs, originally written on
> fortran90.
> The codes themselves are enoughly big to make it out of question to try to
> "translate" them. What leads to some sort of mixed language compilation.
> My first guess was to try to use the guidelines from
> http://xray.bmc.uu.se/~spoel/md/online/xtc.html, but it absolutelly didn't
> worked. Could not find a compatible library. Tried to recompile gromacs in
> order to do so, but instead of a libsdrf.a library file, it created just
> common .lo and .o object files.
> Looked inside concoord program, as there are some mentions in the list to
> look at the code. Was a really good aprentize, could understand better the
> logics involved when dealing with .xtc files, BUT I could not use the
> library files that came with that. Somehow, it wasn't recognized as a valid
> file.
> My last try up to now was to try to link my test-read-program with the
> libxdrf object file. It yelded the following error:
> CruNumMac src/own/B/9/xtc 238% ifort libxdrf.lo xtciof.f90 test_xtc.f90
> IPO: WARNING: no IR in object file libxdrf.lo; was the source file compiled
> with -ipo?
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfint_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfclose_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfopen_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrffloat_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrf3dfcoord_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> IPO: performing multi-file optimizations
> IPO: generating object file /tmp/ipo_ifortZNvZHh.o
> test_xtc.f90(17) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> test_xtc.f90(25) : (col. 8) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> xtciof.f90(112) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> libxdrf.lo: file not recognized: File format not recognized
> If I try to link to the .o objetc:
> CruNumMac src/own/B/9/xtc 240% ifort libxdrf.o xtciof.f90 test_xtc.f90
> IPO: WARNING: no IR in object file libxdrf.o; was the source file compiled
> with -ipo?
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfint_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfclose_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrfopen_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrffloat_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : xdrf3dfcoord_
>         Referenced in /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> IPO Error: unresolved : ffclose
>         Referenced in libxdrf.o
> IPO: performing multi-file optimizations
> IPO: generating object file /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o
> test_xtc.f90(17) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> test_xtc.f90(25) : (col. 8) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> xtciof.f90(112) : (col. 3) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1e1): In function `MAIN__':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfopen_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x4ea):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfclose_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x517):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfopen_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x92b): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcheader_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfint_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x941):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfint_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x95e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfint_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x97b):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xb8e): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcio_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xbde):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xc2e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xc7e):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xcce):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: more undefined
> references to `xdrffloat_' follow
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xe6b): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcio_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrf3dfcoord_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0xfc6): In function `xtciof_mp_xtcopen_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrfopen_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1292):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfclose_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x12b3):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrfopen_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x134e): In function `xtciof_mp_xtccoord_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x139f):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x13f0):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1441):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x1492):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined
> reference to `xdrffloat_'
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x14e3):/tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: more undefined
> references to `xdrffloat_' follow
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.o(.text+0x162d): In function `xtciof_mp_xtccoord_':
> /tmp/ipo_ifort2f5KMw.f: undefined reference to `xdrf3dfcoord_'
> libxdrf.o(.text+0x3d86): In function `xdrclose':
> libxdrf.c: undefined reference to `ffclose'
> libxdrf.o(.text+0x3da8):libxdrf.c: undefined reference to `ffclose'
> I'm really not getting what can be the source of error. I placed the two
> test wources from above trials below, in case it can be of any help. But I
> really not getting what am I doing wrong, and also could not find any other
> clue in gromacs mail lists, neither google.
> Sorry it this is a much simpler question than it seems to me, but I'm really
> astonished not finding the source of error neither a workaround or an
> altertive way which I could follow and reach some results.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Sincerally yours,
> Jones
> ********Attachments:
> *****test_xtc.f90:
> program test_xtc
> use xtciof
> implicit none
> ! Declaracao de Variaveis:
>    integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
>    integer :: nat, maxat
> !  real*4  :: time, box(9), x(*), prec
>    real    :: time, box(9), prec
>    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x
>    character*1 :: stat
>    character(len=1) :: file_name
>    maxat = 10000
>    stat = 'a'
>    file_name = 'teste.xtc'
>    allocate(x(30000))
>    x(:) = 0.
> ! Aqui comeca o programa de teste:
>    call xtcopen(xd, file_name, stat, maxat, nat)
>    write(6,*) 'xtc file openned'
>    call readxtc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
>    write(6,*) 'xtc file readed'
>    call writextc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
>    write(6,*) 'xtc file written'
>    deallocate(x)
> end program test_xtc
> ******xtciof.f90:
> module xtciof
> contains
> subroutine xtccheck(ret,ivar)
> implicit none
> !
> !     Passed variables
> !
>    integer, intent(in) :: ret, ivar
>    if ( ret .eq. 0 ) then
>       if (ivar == 1) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing natoms'
>       if (ivar == 2) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing step'
>       if (ivar == 3) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing time'
>       if (ivar == 4) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing box'
>       if (ivar == 5) write(6,*) '> XTC-Error reading/writing x'
> !      stop
>    endif
> end subroutine xtccheck
> subroutine xtcheader(xd,magic,natoms,step,time,ret)
> implicit none
> !
> !     Passed variables
> !
>    integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret, magic
> !  real*4  :: time
>    real    :: time
>    call xdrfint(xd, magic, ret)
>    if (ret == 0) return
>    call xdrfint(xd, natoms, ret)
>    call xtccheck(ret, 1)
>    call xdrfint(xd, step, ret)
>    call xtccheck(ret, 2)
>    call xdrffloat(xd, time, ret)
>    call xtccheck(ret, 3)
> end subroutine xtcheader
> subroutine xtccoord(xd,natoms,box,x,prec,ret)
> implicit none
> !
> !     Passed variables
> !
>    integer :: xd, natoms, ret
> !  real*4  :: box(9), x(*), prec
>    real    :: box(9), x(*), prec
> !
> !     local
> !
>    integer :: i
>    do i=1, 9
>       call xdrffloat(xd, box(i), ret)
>       call xtccheck(ret, 4)
>    enddo !i
>    call xdrf3dfcoord(xd, x, natoms, prec, ret)
>    call xtccheck(ret, 5)
> end subroutine xtccoord
> subroutine xtcio(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, mode, ret)
> implicit none
> !
> !     Passed variables
> !
>    integer :: xd, natoms, step, mode, ret
> !  real*4  :: box(9)
> !  real*4  :: box(9)
> !  real*4  :: x(*)
>    real    :: time, prec
>    real    :: x(*)
>    real    :: box(9)
> !
> !     local variables
> !
>    integer :: xtcmagic
>    integer :: magic
>    xtcmagic=1995
>    if (mode .eq. 0) magic = xtcmagic
>    call xtcheader(xd, magic, natoms, step, time, ret)
>    if (ret == 0) return
>    if (mode == 1) then
>       if (magic == xtcmagic) write(6,*) '> Fatal error, magic number read as
> ',magic, ' should be ',xtcmagic
>    endif !(mode == 1)
>    call xtccoord(xd, natoms, box, x, prec, ret)
> end subroutine xtcio
> subroutine readxtc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
> implicit none
>    integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
>    integer :: nat
> !  real*4  :: time, box(9), x(*), prec
>    real    :: time, box(9), prec
>    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x
>    allocate (x(natoms))
>    x(:) = 0.
>    call xtcio(xd,natoms,step,time,box,x,prec,1,ret)
> end subroutine readxtc
> subroutine writextc(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, ret)
> implicit none
>    integer :: xd, natoms, step, ret
>    real    :: time, box(9), x(*), prec
>    call xtcio(xd, natoms, step, time, box, x, prec, 0, ret)
> end subroutine writextc
> subroutine xtcopen (xd, file_name, stat, maxat, nat)
> implicit none
>    integer :: xd, ret, nat, maxat, magic, step
> !  real*4 :: time
>    real :: time
>    character*1 :: stat
>    character*(*) :: file_name
>    integer, parameter :: xtcmagic = 1995
>    call xdrfopen(xd, file_name, stat, ret)
>    if (ret == 0) write(6,*) '> Fatal error, could not open ',file_name(1:20)
>    call xtcheader(xd, magic, nat, step, time, ret)
>    if (magic /= xtcmagic) then
>       write(6,*) '> Fatal error, magic number read as ',magic,' should be
> ',xtcmagic
>       stop
>    endif
>    if (nat < 0) then
>       write(6,*) '> Fatal error, negative number of atoms'
>       stop
>    endif
>    if (nat > maxat) then
>       write(6,*) '> Fatal error, number of atoms (',nat,') ','larger than
> allowed (',maxat,')'
>       stop
>    endif
>    call xdrfclose(xd, ret)
>    call xdrfopen(xd, file_name, stat, ret)
> end subroutine xtcopen
> !end contains
> end module xtciof


Bert de Groot, PhD

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Computational biomolecular dynamics group
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen, Germany

tel: +49-551-2012308, fax: +49-551-2012302

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