Which visualization software you have used?
On 7/12/2007 1:47 PM, pkmukher wrote:
I am trying to build a triclinic solvent box around
two.pdb using the following commands
editconf -bt triclinic -f two.pdb -o three.pdb -d 0.9 -box
20 10 10
genbox -cp three.pdb -cs spc216.gro -o four.pdb -p two.top
However the generated pdb file four.pdb shows a cubic
solvation box instead of a triclinic box.Could you please
suggest how i should modify the command.Thanks
Prasenjit Kumar Mukherjee
Graduate Student
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy
University of Mississippi
Cell - 662 380 0146
Office - 662 915 1286
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