I figured it might be neccessary to show my *.top file and coordinate file (b4 solvation) so I could easily get help.

;       File 'twopoly.top' was generated
;       By user: sjomovie (1028)
;       On host: bmp041.biophysics.net
;       At date: Tue Jun 19 23:12:16 2007
;       This is your topology file
;       Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG43a1.itp"

; Include chain topologies
#include "twopoly_B.itp"
#include "twopoly_A.itp"

; Include water topology
#include "spc.itp"

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct       fcx        fcy        fcz
  1    1       1000       1000       1000

; Include generic topology for ions
#include "ions.itp"

[ system ]
; Name
Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane in water

[ molecules ]
; Compound        #mols
Protein_B           1
Protein_A           1
SOL             314583

TITLE     Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane
CRYST1   10.266    5.723    2.981  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1           1
MODEL        1

ATOM    1       N       ALA     B       1       -0.677  -1.23   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    2       H1      ALA     B       1       -1.667  -1.089  -0.491  1       0
ATOM    3       H2      ALA     B       1       -0.414  -1.744  -1.307  1       0
ATOM    4       H3      ALA     B       1       -0.414  -1.744  0.325   1       0
ATOM    5       CA      ALA     B       1       -0.001  0.064   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    6       CB      ALA     B       1       -0.509  0.856   0.727   1       0
ATOM    7       C       ALA     B       1       1.499   -0.11   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    8       O       ALA     B       1       2.065   -0.922  0.251   1       0
ATOM    9       N       GLY     B       2       2.311   0.711   -1.4    1       0
ATOM    10      H       GLY     B       2       1.979   1.399   -2.045  1       0
ATOM    11      CA      GLY     B       2       3.7     0.321   -1.173  1       0
ATOM    12      C       GLY     B       2       4.606   1.528   -1.169  1       0
ATOM    13      O       GLY     B       2       4.515   2.418   -2.019  1       0
ATOM    14      N       ALA     B       3       5.629   1.648   -0.12   1       0
ATOM    15      H       ALA     B       3       5.805   1.002   0.622   1       0
ATOM    16      CA      ALA     B       3       6.336   2.899   -0.378  1       0
ATOM    17      CB      ALA     B       3       5.719   3.979   0.528   1       0
ATOM    18      C       ALA     B       3       7.821   2.735   -0.164  1       0
ATOM    19      O1      ALA     B       3       8.258   1.505   0.219   1       0
ATOM    20      O2      ALA     B       3       8.599   3.831   -0.372  1       0
ATOM    21      N       ALA     A       4       -0.677  -1.23   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    22      H1      ALA     A       4       -1.667  -1.089  -0.491  1       0
ATOM    23      H2      ALA     A       4       -0.414  -1.744  -1.307  1       0
ATOM    24      H3      ALA     A       4       -0.414  -1.744  0.325   1       0
ATOM    25      CA      ALA     A       4       -0.001  0.064   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    26      CB      ALA     A       4       -0.509  0.856   0.727   1       0
ATOM    27      C       ALA     A       4       1.499   -0.11   -0.491  1       0
ATOM    28      O       ALA     A       4       2.065   -0.922  0.251   1       0
ATOM    29      N       ALA     A       5       2.311   0.711   -1.4    1       0
ATOM    30      H       ALA     A       5       1.979   1.399   -2.045  1       0
ATOM    31      CA      ALA     A       5       3.7     0.321   -1.173  1       0
ATOM    32      CB      ALA     A       5       4.079   -0.705  -2.254  1       0
ATOM    33      C       ALA     A       5       4.606   1.529   -1.169  1       0
ATOM    34      O       ALA     A       5       4.515   2.421   -2.021  1       0
ATOM    35      N       ALA     A       6       5.629   1.648   -0.119  1       0
ATOM    36      H       ALA     A       6       5.806   1.001   0.623   1       0
ATOM    37      CA      ALA     A       6       6.335   2.9     -0.377  1       0
ATOM    38      CB      ALA     A       6       5.718   3.979   0.529   1       0
ATOM    39      C       ALA     A       6       7.821   2.736   -0.163  1       0
ATOM    40      O1      ALA     A       6       8.258   1.506   0.219   1       0
ATOM    41      O2      ALA     A       6       8.599   3.832   -0.37   1       0

From: "Sheyore Omovie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] potential energy =nan
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:44:32 -0500

Hi Mark,
I'm sorry, I assume you'll understand that I've carried out all the steps before an EM run. David said is because the coordinates are on top of each other, I'll appreciate any more specific advice on how to fix this.
Meanwhile, I'll try Martin's advice on making the water flexible.

From: Mark Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users@gromacs.org>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] potential energy =nan
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:09:03 +1000

Sheyore Omovie wrote:
I am doing an Energy Minimisation run for two polypeptides in a box. I get the range checking error, variable ci= .... and the simulation crashes. After changing ns_type to simple, the simulation is running, but very slowly and the first few steps return Epot=nan.
What could I have done wrong?

It's hard to tell from your description, since an energy minimization is not a simulation... but please try following this general scheme http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Steps_to_Perform_a_Simulation

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