On 6/12/2007 7:15 PM, Miguel Machuqueiro wrote:
At 08:00 AM 6/12/2007, you wrote:
Hi again,
since I did not get answer I double checked my trr file. In case I calculate the minimum distance of the periodic image for each component of my complex, I get reasonable value of it (3.0 and 2.9 nm), whereas if I consider the whole system (protein) I get this strange result of 0.17 nm.
Any clue?
thanks again

Hi Andrea,

When you have a multi-chain protein (or a protein + peptide) it can happen that when making protein whole (removing pbc) sometimes the two chains can be placed in two different adjacent boxes, so... when doing the "g_mindist -pi" setup, the closest distance is when they are together in the same box at a distance of ~1.7 Angstrom.

Point 1 - This is an artifact, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that there are structures seeing their periodic images. As it was suggested by Mark Abraham, you should check these structures just to be sure.

Point 2 - If someone knows how to trick trjconv -pbc in order to avoid doing this... it would be appreciated.
Yes. I got such "separated chain" trajectory with dsDNA as well. I have a script to move them back manually frame per frame by comparing minimal distance and real distance.


Miguel Machuqueiro
ITQB-Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Molecular Simulation Group - 6º Floor (Room 601)
Av. da República, EAN, Apartado 127
2781-901 Oeiras, Portugal
Tel. : +351 214469618 /Mobile: +351 96 7562285
E-mail: machuque at itqb.unl.pt

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