Hi Mareike,

Probably your simulation starts off with remapping your pull-atom over
the periodic boundaries. Make sure that the atom and the protein are
properly placed inside the rhombic dodecahedron (actually the brick
representation of it) before the simulation. Note that Gromacs
performs mapping based on the first atom of each molecule, so if you
center the protein and the pull-group according to the first atom of
each, you should be fine.



On 5/24/07, Mareike Zink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have got a question on the afm pulling option. I am trying to pull a single
atom into the direction of the center of mass of a protein in my simulation
cell. Everything works fine with a cubic box. When I use a truncated
dodecahedral box, at time step 1 the atom is suddenly located at a comlete
different position as in step 0 and the pulling direction is therefore wrong
as well. Nevertheless, the force is 0 at step 0, so I expect the spring
constant to be in the right position and my afm_init is okay. Has anyone any
experience with pulling in dodecahedral boxes and can help me, please?

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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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