Andrey A. Koverga wrote:
Hi all! I'm just a beginner user of Gromacs, that's why my question may seem strange to you. But I hope, that somebody can help me in solving my problem. The point is that I'm trying to perform the analysis of tetrabutylammonium cation solvatation using OPLS force field. Earlier i've modelled tetrametylammonium cation with same force field; the topology *.itp file for TMA was created, using The Dundee PRODRG Server: itp-file was created for some Gromacs force field, and than modified by definition of the UA-groups according to OPLS UA-types. This way is unsuitable for determination of TBA topology, 'couse in this case "all-atom" determination should be performed. So that's why I'm asking your advise what should I do. Thanks a lot!

Read how OPLS was parameterized and do something consistent with that. Anything else is random number generation (and even this might be!)

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