Stéphane Téletchéa wrote:

Patrick Fuchs a écrit :

Hi Gromacs users,
I have a few questions related to solvation free energy calculation via
thermodynamic integration.

#ifdef FLEX_SPC
#include "flexspc.itp"
#include "spc.itp"

coulombtype            = generalized-reaction-field
rcoulomb               = 1.4
rvdw                   = 1.4
epsilon_rf             = 54.0

I cannot state for other parameters, but i'm surprised for the (relatively?) low value for epsilon_rf used here.

For instance in Geerke and van Gunsteren (ChempPhysChem 2006, 7, 674-678), the value used for reaction-field (not generalized) is 61 for SPC water (referring to Heinz, van Gunsteren & Hunenberger, J Chem Phys 2001, 115, p1125-1136).

Is this value a special case for 'generalized-reaction-field' ?

Thanks in advance for clarifications.


Stéphane ,
as stated earlier in this list by Berk:

For epsilon_rf=54 the prefactor for the RF term is 0.486,
for epsilon_rf=80 it is 0.491. This difference is negligible,
especially compared to the effect that the choice of cut-off
distance will have.
If you want to avoid the discussion, use an epsilon of infinity
(prefactor 0.5), this also gives the least cut-off effects,
as the potential will be exactly zero at the cut-off.

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