
Sometimes it helps to read the mail. Mea culpa - forget my previous answer, this is something else.

It could simply be a bug in g_energy; which version are you using, and what do you get if you remove "-b 2000" (i.e. include all steps)?



On Apr 27, 2007, at 12:24 PM, merc mertens wrote:


when i calculate energies with

g_energy -f (ener.edr) -b 2000 -sum -o (energy.xvg)

e.g. i get this average in the log:

Statistics over 1000001 steps [ 2000.0000 thru 4000.0000 ps ], 1 data sets

Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift Tot-Drift ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Coul-SR:Protein-trna -0.0239528 0 0 0.0381909 76.3818 Total -0.0239528 -- -- -- --

but i get this in the output energy.xvg:

@ s0 legend "Coul-SR:Protein-trna"
@ s1 legend "Sum"
  2000.000000  -1171.813721
  2100.000000  -1311.884399
  2200.000000  -1142.125366
  2300.000000  -1169.552979
  2400.000000  -1205.442383
  2500.000000  -1189.931519
  2600.000000  -1148.712402
  2700.000000  -1003.882751
  2800.000000  -1104.013794
  2900.000000  -1076.985474
  3000.000000  -1131.902832
  3100.000000  -1135.494995
  3200.000000  -1080.656250
  3300.000000  -1257.183594
  3400.000000  -1138.595215
  3500.000000  -1107.039062
  3600.000000  -1051.498657
  3700.000000  -1139.150391
  3800.000000  -1070.984741
  3900.000000  -1186.214600
  4000.000000  -1129.730713

the average energies from the log and the xvg do not match. does anybody know what is wrong here?
thank you in advance,

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