Joern Lenz wrote:
dear users,
i am simulating a complex of DNA and protein.
also i looked through the mailing list I did not find any solution to my problem.

i am using make_ndx with:
make_ndx -f blah_ion -o blah_ion
and in my mdp file i use:
tcoupl = berendsen tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 tc_grps = Protein SOL LYP HIP CYN NA+ DG DA DC DT ref_t = 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
make_ndx then asks me to choose of:

  0 System              : 317421 atoms
  1 Protein             :  6937 atoms
  2 Protein-H           :  3465 atoms
  3 C-alpha             :   445 atoms
  4 Backbone            :  1335 atoms
  5 MainChain           :  1780 atoms
  6 MainChain+Cb        :  2193 atoms
  7 MainChain+H         :  2205 atoms
  8 SideChain           :  4732 atoms
  9 SideChain-H         :  1685 atoms
 10 Prot-Masses         :  6937 atoms
 11 Non-Protein         : 310484 atoms
 12 LYP                 :   528 atoms
 13 HIP                 :   234 atoms
 14 CYN                 :    11 atoms
 15 DA                  :   192 atoms
 16 DG                  :   495 atoms
 17 DT                  :   192 atoms
 18 DC                  :   450 atoms
 19 SOL                 : 308340 atoms
 20 Na+                 :    42 atoms
 21 Other               : 310484 atoms

and i take the numbers: 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20

I think I with this selection I have no atom twice (otherwise there would be complaining of make_ndx) and covered all atoms in my system. I looked through the top and pdb files and did not see any residues that are not mentiond in the table above.

=>> the same error occurs if i choose number 0 from the table above also - from my point of view this should cover all atoms at once, shouldn't it ?

Nevertheless I got the following error:
Fatal error:
126 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups

Do you have any suggestions or do I not see the wood for the trees any more ?
Thank you so much in advance
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you probably should start by putting the file aminoacids.dat from Amber in your directory and make a new index file. then check the mailinglist for advise on how may charge groups you want to use.

David van der Spoel, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biophysics group,
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,          75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:  46 18 471 4205          fax: 46 18 511 755
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