Hi Rongliang Wu,

You could try to get your hands on a GROMOS manual... Alternatively,
draw the histidines using the information in the rtp files.
Alternatively, take a histidine, run it through pdb2gmx with -his and
try all options. Histidine has different protonation states, and one
of the histidines is the one bound to heme iron.



On 4/11/07, Rongliang Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        i am trying to simulate a peptide with residue HIS, the default in 
pdb2gmx used HISB for HIS in both oplsaa and gromos96 force field, but i found 
there are HIS1,HISH,HISB etc in the rtp files, i am not sure whether HISB will 
suffice for my system, i intend to simulate the binding of surfactants with the 
        what are the difference?
        is there anywhere i can find the detailed description for these 

Rongliang Wu

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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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