Tom Lenaerts wrote:

Good problem description, but what was your command line, the location of these files you edited and the value of GMXRC? I'm surmising that gromacs
isn't finding the .atp you changed.

What is the GMXRC?

Below a more complete description:

I first copied the entire top folder of gromacs to my local directory.
In the top-folder.  I added the PTR information to aminoacids.dat

I added to ffG53a6.rtp this information (according to the manual this is sufficient since the other things are optional)

[ PTR ]
[ atoms ]
   O2P    OA    -1.099       1
     P     P     1.162       1
   O3P    OA    -1.099       1
   O1P    OM    -0.786       1
    OH    OA    -0.178       1
    CZ    CB     0.077       2
   CE2  CR61    -0.038       2
   CD2  CR61    -0.039       2
   CE1  CR61    -0.029       3
   CD1  CR61    -0.029       3
    CG    CB     0.002       3
    CB   CH2     0.056       3
    CA   CH1     0.184       4
     C     C     0.436       4
     O     O    -0.546       4
     N    NL     0.835       4

[ bonds ]
   O2P    P
     P  O3P
     P  O1P
     P   OH
    OH   CZ
    CZ  CE2
    CZ  CE1
   CE2  CD2
   CD2   CG
   CE1  CD1
   CD1   CG
    CG   CB
    CB   CA
    CA    C
    CA    N
     C    O

I added to ffG53a6.atp the following lines

   CB  12.0110  ;     carbon in phosphotyrosine
CR61  13.0190  ;     carbon in ring of phosphotyrosine
Not only in atp, but also in bon and nb. nb is a bit easy, only LJ parameters. But for bon, you need to specify any bonded, angle, dihedral interaction that CB and CR61 have in your molecule.

All this was required to generat the toplogy file for gromacs from the pdb. The let the pdb2grm work i needed to set the GMXLIB to this new folder and eeverything worked correctly.

these are the command lines that I used until I reached the error:

-bash-3.00$ export GMXLIB=/u/tlenaert/Gromacs/signal/sh2/with/top
-bash-3.00$ pdb2gmx -ff G53a6 -f sh2_pep.pdb -o sh2_pep.gro -p
-bash-3.00$ editconf -bt cubic -f sh2_pep.gro -o sh2_pep.gro -c -d 0.9
-bash-3.00$ genbox -cp sh2_pep.gro -cs spc216.gro -o sh2_pep_b4em.gro -p -bash-3.00$ grompp -f em.mdp -c sh2_pep_b4em.gro -p -o sh2_pep.tpr

it then crashes here


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