nur avneet wrote:
Dear ALL

when we simulate in vaccum, first we do steepest descent, then conj, then md in vac.
I want to know that, Do we use periodic boundary conditions here..

That depends if you want an isolated system in vacuo, or a periodic system in vacuo.

and also if we dont specify anything about pbc in mdp file wht does gromacs take it as...

Don't know, but if you try grompp without pbc set, then the file that is output by the -po flag (default grompp.mdp) will tell you what value was used - i.e. the default value.

Also please tell me, is their any particular value of emtol in mdp files of steep and cg, that we should use... I use emtol=1000 in the steep file, and then when i do cg i keep it 100, 50, 10, 8, 2 step by step.

The emtol value is probably fine, but I suspect your cg regime is a little vigorous for preparing for MD. If you were about to do a normal mode analysis, then that would be different...

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