Hi David,
Thank you replying!!
It is a PDB file containing the coordinates for atom types SI, OS and HO. I want to use it to make an *.itp file for the molecule. I want to use it as a single residue. I have an in house code that would read the information in the pdb file, read charge group and other required bonded and non-bonded parameters and output a file (hopefully!!) in itp format. But for this I need to have the pdb file in sequence. Currently the file that i got from somewhere (??) has atom1 bonded to atoms 370,345,2499 and 1935. since i have to define charge groups before running my code it is impossible for me to use the pdb file with out sorting it.
I tried x2top but the error was missing force field information.
I was wondering it there is some software that can read my pdb, maybe a visualization software, and then allow me to save the atoms in the sequence they are bonded. Am i sounding too complicated?
thanks a lot for the help.


On Aug 29, 2006, at 5:15 PM, David van der Spoel wrote:

Sheeja vasudevan wrote:
I have a pbd file (6240 atoms) which i want to use to make toplogy file. However the atoms are not in sequence, that is, atom 1 in the file is bonded to atoms 2499,345 ,1935 and 370 and so on.. I want to number them according to their bonding. Is there some program available to do this?
you don't say what's in the file!

you could try x2top but it supports only a very small subset of chemistry.

Thank you for the help!
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