Hello gmx-ers

I am a little confused about the units for the normal mode eigenfrequencies output by g_nmeig. 
In a previous post, Berk wrote: "The unit is ps^-2 for mass-weighted, amu ps^-2 for non mass weighted. In the CVS code it is cm^-1, which is written in the xvg file"

I have tried both versions 3.3 and 3.3.1, and the units I get for the mass-weighted NMA eigenfrequencies is [cm/s-1/N]. I do not understand if this is a time-frequency or a mass-weighted cm^-1 unit. 

If the frequencies are in ps-2, how to convert it to the wavenumber cm-1?

Any help would be appreciated.

Jon Ellis

Jon Ellis 
PhD Candidate, Thompson Group
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering/Dept of Chemistry
University of Toronto
Lash Miller 147
(416) 978-6568

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