Hi All,
i am using the g_energy command to look for the info in simulation, when i give the command this is what is get :-
bash-2.05b$ g_energy_d
                         :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:

                God Rules Over Mankind, Animals, Cosmos and Such

                            :-)  VERSION 3.3.1  (-:
-------------obvious details omiitted---------------
 Select the terms you want from the following list
Bond           Angle          Proper-Dih.    Ryckaert-Bell. Improper-Dih.
LJ-14          Coulomb-14     LJ-(SR)        Disper.-corr.  Coulomb-(SR)
Coul.-recip.   Potential      Kinetic-En.    Total-Energy   Temperature
Pressure-(bar) Box-X          Box-Y          Box-Z          Volume
Density-(SI)   pV             Vir-XX         Vir-XY         Vir-XZ
Vir-YX         Vir-YY         Vir-YZ         Vir-ZX         Vir-ZY
Vir-ZZ         Pres-XX-(bar)  Pres-XY-(bar)  Pres-XZ-(bar)  Pres-YX-(bar)
Pres-YY-(bar)  Pres-YZ-(bar)  Pres-ZX-(bar)  Pres-ZY-(bar)  Pres-ZZ-(bar)
#Surf*SurfTen  Pcoupl-Mu-XX   Pcoupl-Mu-YY   Pcoupl-Mu-ZZ   Mu-X
Mu-Y           Mu-Z           T-POP          T-SOL          Lamb-POP

my question is why don;t i see the number options for selection.i.e. why no number in front of each energy terms.
is there any special boolean operator for this. plz let me know. thanks.

Arindam Ganguly
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