
recently that I also went to in the research of this term. There were once while some discussion on this list and many other papers. (Look the whole thread of this post) http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2003-January/003885.html

Tin-foil boundary is related to treatment of electrostatic forces in periodic condition with Ewalds. To make it infinite, let eps_surface =0; to make it finite, put a (large) number for eps_surface to replace tin-foil BC. Infinite electrostatic forces means that the system is immersed inside a conductor. It is useful for some system which is asymmetric in one direction.

The paper mention the gmx-user posts shall have you known about how to use it. The answer is actually "doesn't matter much as ewald_geometry=3dc shall take care of it" (I re-phrase it), IIRC.

Yang Ye

David van der Spoel wrote:
Magdalena Siwko wrote:
Hi everybody,

can anyone tell me how to define tin-foil boundary conditions in mdp file?
There is nothing in the manual about it, actually.
eps_surface = 0
this is default IIRC


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