Hi again !
Thanks a lot for your help. its a great learning experience since am new to GROMACS.
Well I have made a membrane and i have put two water boxes on top of the membrane.These three structures were combined in to one and i wanted to run energy minimization on the resulting structure.
I errors i got earlier have vanised when i added the ; table-extension = 3.8
in to my mdp file (thry trial and error).
i would like to know if this is OK, secondly i get the following outputs after 116 steps

"Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.

Converged to machine precision,

but not to the requested precision Fmax < 100


Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.

You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn

off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)


writing lowest energy coordinates.


Back Off! I just backed up em.trr to ./#em.trr.9#


Back Off! I just backed up emout.pdb to ./#emout.pdb.9#


Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 117 steps,

but did not reach the requested Fmax < 100.

Potential Energy  =  5.4069402e+08

Maximum force     =  3.0060948e+06 on atom 14374

Norm of force     =  4.0884328e+07"


Below is the copy of my mdp file :


; User spoel (236)

; Wed Nov 3 17:12:44 1993

; Input file


title = Yo

cpp = /usr/bin/cpp

constraints = none

integrator = steep


; Force tolerance and initial step-size =

emtol = 100

emstep = 0.005

; Max number of iterations in relax_shells =

niter = 20

; Frequency of steepest descents steps when doing CG =

nstcgsteep = 1000

dt = 0.002 ; ps !

nsteps = 5000 ; total 10 ps = 10/0.002.

nstcomm = 1

nstxout = 250

nstvout = 1000

nstfout = 0

nstxtcout = 50

nstlog = 100

nstenergy = 100

nstlist = 10

ns_type = grid

coulombtype = PME

rlist = 1.0

rcoulomb = 1.0

rvdw = 1.0

DispCorr = EnerPres

table-extension = 3.8

; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups

Tcoupl = berendsen

tc-grps = POP CHO OCH SOL

tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

ref_t = 300 300 300 300

; Energy monitoring

energygrps = POP CHO OCH SOL

; Isotropic pressure coupling is now on

Pcoupl = berendsen

Pcoupltype = isotropic

tau_p = 0.5 0.5 0.5

compressibility = 4.5e-5

ref_p = 1.0

; Generate velocites is off at 300 K.

gen_vel = no

gen_temp = 300.0

gen_seed = 173529

 Thanks in advance





On 4/11/06, Mark Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kushal Seth wrote:
> Hi all !
> I am running a MD simulation and i got

You appear to be trying to do an energy minimization, which although
often able to be done by the same code as molecular dynamics, is
inherently non-dynamical. Hence it's unwise to confuse matters by
referring to one as "MD". See section 1 of the gromacs manual.

> "Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance 1.102 which is
> larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
> These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
> This usually means your system is exploding,
> if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file"

It's probably right about that. Look at 1 and 6 in the initial structure
and see what you think they should do. Then look at the output of the EM
and see what they have done. This may suggest where the problem lies.

>  and then EM process goes and terminates at 26 th steps saying that
> "Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
> Converged to machine precision,
> but not to the requested precision Fmax < 100
> Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
> You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
> off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)
> writing lowest energy coordinates.
> Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 26 steps,
> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 100.
> Potential Energy  = -6.0066115e+23
> Maximum force     =  1.8847882e+25 on atom 2502
> Norm of force     =  5.5707627e+25".
> I have tried changing the sizes and pressure couplings.Thats does not help.

Pressure coupling can only be applied to a dynamical simulation, so this
cannot help at all.

Check your input structure, your topology, the output structure and your
input .mdp file. If the former are all OK and you can't see anything
wrong with the .mdp file, include it in a message here.

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