Rachelint commented on code in PR #13681:
URL: https://github.com/apache/datafusion/pull/13681#discussion_r1931213097

@@ -230,6 +276,201 @@ impl<T: ArrowNumericType> Accumulator for 
MedianAccumulator<T> {
+/// The median groups accumulator accumulates the raw input values
+/// For calculating the accurate medians of groups, we need to store all values
+/// of groups before final evaluation.
+/// So values in each group will be stored in a `Vec<T>`, and the total group 
+/// will be actually organized as a `Vec<Vec<T>>`.
+struct MedianGroupsAccumulator<T: ArrowNumericType + Send> {
+    data_type: DataType,
+    group_values: Vec<Vec<T::Native>>,
+impl<T: ArrowNumericType + Send> MedianGroupsAccumulator<T> {
+    pub fn new(data_type: DataType) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            data_type,
+            group_values: Vec::new(),
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ArrowNumericType + Send> GroupsAccumulator for 
MedianGroupsAccumulator<T> {
+    fn update_batch(
+        &mut self,
+        values: &[ArrayRef],
+        group_indices: &[usize],
+        opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>,
+        total_num_groups: usize,
+    ) -> Result<()> {
+        assert_eq!(values.len(), 1, "single argument to update_batch");
+        let values = values[0].as_primitive::<T>();
+        // Push the `not nulls + not filtered` row into its group
+        self.group_values.resize(total_num_groups, Vec::new());
+        accumulate(
+            group_indices,
+            values,
+            opt_filter,
+            |group_index, new_value| {
+                self.group_values[group_index].push(new_value);
+            },
+        );
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    fn merge_batch(
+        &mut self,
+        values: &[ArrayRef],
+        group_indices: &[usize],
+        // Since aggregate filter should be applied in partial stage, in final 
stage there should be no filter
+        _opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>,
+        total_num_groups: usize,
+    ) -> Result<()> {
+        assert_eq!(values.len(), 1, "one argument to merge_batch");
+        // The merged values should be organized like as a `ListArray` which 
is nullable
+        // (input with nulls usually generated from `convert_to_state`), but 
`inner array` of
+        // `ListArray`  is `non-nullable`.
+        //
+        // Following is the possible and impossible input `values`:
+        //
+        // # Possible values
+        // ```text
+        //   group 0: [1, 2, 3]
+        //   group 1: null (list array is nullable)
+        //   group 2: [6, 7, 8]
+        //   ...
+        //   group n: [...]
+        // ```
+        //
+        // # Impossible values
+        // ```text
+        //   group x: [1, 2, null] (values in list array is non-nullable)
+        // ```
+        //
+        let input_group_values = values[0].as_list::<i32>();
+        // Ensure group values big enough
+        self.group_values.resize(total_num_groups, Vec::new());
+        // Extend values to related groups
+        // TODO: avoid using iterator of the `ListArray`, this will lead to
+        // many calls of `slice` of its ``inner array`, and `slice` is not
+        // so efficient(due to the calculation of `null_count` for each 
+        group_indices
+            .iter()
+            .zip(input_group_values.iter())
+            .for_each(|(&group_index, values_opt)| {
+                if let Some(values) = values_opt {
+                    let values = values.as_primitive::<T>();
+                }
+            });
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    fn state(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>> {
+        // Emit values
+        let emit_group_values = emit_to.take_needed(&mut self.group_values);
+        // Build offsets
+        let mut offsets = Vec::with_capacity(self.group_values.len() + 1);
+        offsets.push(0);
+        let mut cur_len = 0;
+        for group_value in &emit_group_values {
+            cur_len += group_value.len() as i32;
+            offsets.push(cur_len);
+        }
+        let offsets = OffsetBuffer::new(ScalarBuffer::from(offsets));
+        // Build inner array
+        let flatten_group_values =
+            emit_group_values.into_iter().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        let group_values_array =
+            PrimitiveArray::<T>::new(ScalarBuffer::from(flatten_group_values), 
+                .with_data_type(self.data_type.clone());
+        // Build the result list array
+        let result_list_array = ListArray::new(
+            Arc::new(Field::new_list_field(self.data_type.clone(), true)),
+            offsets,
+            Arc::new(group_values_array),
+            None,
+        );
+        Ok(vec![Arc::new(result_list_array)])
+    }
+    fn evaluate(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
+        // Emit values
+        let emit_group_values = emit_to.take_needed(&mut self.group_values);
+        // Calculate median for each group
+        let mut evaluate_result_builder =
+        for values in emit_group_values {
+            let median = calculate_median::<T>(values);
+            evaluate_result_builder.append_option(median);
+        }
+        Ok(Arc::new(evaluate_result_builder.finish()))
+    }
+    fn convert_to_state(
+        &self,
+        values: &[ArrayRef],
+        opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>> {
+        assert_eq!(values.len(), 1, "one argument to merge_batch");
+        let input_array = values[0].as_primitive::<T>();
+        // Directly convert the input array to states, each row will be
+        // seen as a respective group.
+        // For detail, the `input_array` will be converted to a `ListArray`.
+        // And if row is `not null + not filtered`, it will be converted to a 
+        // with only one element; otherwise, this row in `ListArray` will be 
+        // to null.
+        // Reuse values buffer in `input_array` to build `values` in 
+        let values = PrimitiveArray::<T>::new(input_array.values().clone(), 
+            .with_data_type(self.data_type.clone());
+        // `offsets` in `ListArray`, each row as a list element
+        let offsets = (0..=input_array.len() as i32).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        let offsets = OffsetBuffer::new(ScalarBuffer::from(offsets));

Review Comment:
   It is easy to ensure all check in `OffsetBuffer::new` can be passed by adding
           assert!(input_array.len() <= i32::MAX as usize);

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