On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 06:41:41PM +0000, Phil Pennock wrote:

> On 2016-07-27 at 14:32 -0400, Jeff King wrote:
> > Yeah, I agree the "!" test for "did it work" is counter-intuitive if you're
> > coming from other languages, but it's pretty normal for C code bases
> > (especially ours).
> For stuff returning pointers, sure.

I think the pattern comes more from syscalls.

> > I don't buy the tabs-become-spaces argument. We use tabs for indentation
> > in Git, and that's extremely unlikely to change. If your patch gets
> > munged in transit or by your editor, then the maintainer is going to
> > complain when applying your patch.
> Okay.  (I happen to think that robustness against a cycle of developers
> discussing why whitespace broke patches in transit is good, but I'll
> change this).

What we've found is that if your whitespace breaks in transit, the
patches don't apply anyway (because of wrapping, or because tab/space
conversion breaks the context lines). So we mostly just accept the risk
and stay militant about it.

> I'm not going to write any more code today, for reasons of "weak human
> needs sleep and I'll make more stupid mistakes if I continue".  So I'm
> going silent on this thread for the rest of today.  Not ignoring.  If
> folks want fast progress (I haven't looked at release cycle status) I
> won't mind cutting me out of the loop :-D but otherwise I'll look
> Thu/Fri this week for any remedial work and offer a fresh patch with
> fixes from this thread, and documentation.

Sure, take your time. It's open source, so movement is generally
measured in days, and sometimes weeks. Thank you for working on it!

> I'm tempted to just steal the docs from Ted's patch, unless that's
> considered bad form?

I think that's fine, especially considering how short the snippet is.
If you pulled content from somewhere, it's normal to acknowledge it in
the commit message.

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