Jakub Narębski <jna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> W dniu 2016-07-22 o 17:49, larsxschnei...@gmail.com pisze:
> > +use strict;
> > +use warnings;
> > +use autodie;
> autodie?

"set -e" for Perl (man autodie)

It's been a part of Perl for ages, but I've never used it
myself, either; I suppose it's fine for tests...

> > +$| = 1; # autoflush STDOUT
> Perhaps *STDOUT->autoflush(1), if I remember my Perl correctly?
> Should this matter? Why it is needed?

It's better to always disable automatic output buffering when
writing to pipes or sockets for IPC.  Otherwise output may be
buffered indefinitely because the buffering mechanism doesn't
know a reader is stalled.

Same problem with using stdio.h functions for IPC in C.
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