On 07/20/2016 12:15 PM, Jeff King wrote:
One final bit of food for thought.

Just yesterday somebody asked me about renewing the old idea of using a
more standardized format for machine-readable output, like --json.
That's obviously something that would exist alongside the existing
formats for compatibility, and it doesn't fundamentally change anything
about adding a new format as your patches do (it just becomes yet
another format).

However I wanted to mention it in case you are intrigued by the idea,
and would be interested in skipping porcelain-v2 entirely in favor of
moving to something like json.

A totally reasonable response is "haha no. Please stop moving the
goalposts". I just wanted to throw it out there as an option (and in
case you are interested, to let you think about it before any more work
goes into this direction).

haha no.... :-)

Short term, I'd rather nail down what I have now (both content-wise
and format-wise) and see how we like it.  And have a follow-up task
to look at the --state header we spoke of earlier.  And save the JSON
version as an independent task for later.

I understand the motivation for a JSON option (and have thought
about it before) but I think it ought to be kept separate.
At a higher-level, it seems like a JSON option would be an
opportunity to start a project-wide conversation about formats,
consistency, plumbing, and etc.  A top-down conversation if you
will about which commands will/won't get enhanced, legacy cruft
that would not need to be converted, JSON style and naming and
consistency issues, current best practices in the node/whatever
community, and etc.  I could be wrong, but this feels like a
top-down feature conversation in a wider audience.


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