On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Johannes Schindelin
<johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> wrote:
> But that strategy *still* ignores the distributed nature of Git. Just
> because *you* make that merge at a certain point does not necessarily mean
> that I make it at that point, too.
> Any approach that tries to have one single point of conversion will most
> likely fall short of a solution.

OK I see the difference in our views now. To me an sha256 repo would
see an sha1 repo as a _foreign_ DVCS, pretty much like git sees
mercurial now. So a transition from sha1 to sha256 is not that
different from cvs -> svn -> a dvcs bubble -> git.

> To be honest, I am less concerned about the GPG-signed commits (after all,
> after switching to a more secure hash algorithm, a maintainer could
> cross-sign all signed commits, or only the branch tips or tags, as new
> tags, to reinstitute trust).
> I am much more concerned about references to commits, both inside and
> outside the repository. That is, if I read anywhere on the internet about
> Git having added support for `git add --chmod=+x <file>` in 4e55ed3 (add:
> add --chmod=+x / --chmod=-x options, 2016-05-31), I want to find that
> commit by that reference.
> And I am of course concerned what should happen if a user wants to fetch
> from, or push to, a SHA-1-hashed remote repository into, or from, a
> SHA-256-hashed local one.

to follow the above, in my view, interaction with sha1 repos go
through some conversion bridges like what we have with hg and svn. I
don't know if we are going this route. It's certainly simpler and
people already have experiences (from previous migration) to prepare
for it.
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